Chapter 1

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The wind rushed through my hair as we swung past skyscraper after skyscraper, the bustling city below us. I screamed in exhilaration, never wanting the moment to end.

I barely heard the sound of Peter's laugh over the roaring in my ears. We flew forward until Peter landed us safely on the edge of a building. I tried bracing myself for the landing but stumbled as we reached the cement roof. Peter quickly grabbed me before I fell over.

"I don't think that will ever get old." I smiled at Peter as he ripped off his mask, revealing messy brown curls and a smile just as big as mine. He pulled the goggles that covered my eyes off of my face.

"Seeing you smile never gets old either." He leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips, making my cheeks grow warm and my smile widen. Even after a year his touch makes me blush.

I grabbed the goggles out of Peter's hands and held them up to his face, making myself laugh.

"Do I seriously have to wear these?." I pulled the goggles away from his face and looked into his dark brown eyes.

"Yes you do. They protect your identity. If someone found out that you were close to me they would try to hurt you to get to me. I won't risk your safety." I rolled my eyes.

"So swinging around on a little piece of string isn't risking my safety?"

He furrowed his eyebrows in frustration. "Don't you dare insult my webbing. I have constructed the perfect formula for the best elasticity and stickiness. It..."

I pressed my lips against his, successfully silencing him. "You're adorable when you talk about things like that, you know that?"

He smiled. "Besides the goggles protect you from getting bugs in your eyes." He grabbed the goggles back and placed them on my head again.

"If that's one of the reasons then why don't I have a full mask to keep bugs out of my mouth?"

He smiled, "If your mouth was covered how would I be able to do this?" He picked me up in his arms, wrapping my legs around him. I shrieked and he laughed bringing his lips so close to mine I could feel his breath. Struck by a rare bit of inspiration I nipped at his bottom lip and ran my hands through his hair.

"That is so not fair." He pulled me into a deep kiss that sent heat running down my body. His lips moved to my jaw and down to my neck. His hands explored my back as I slipped my fingers under his shirt. I let out a tiny gasp, pulling him closer. Suddenly I felt him let go of my waist, forcing me to grab hold of his neck to keep from falling. Before I could protest he pulled his mask over his face and jumped off the side of the building.

I screamed, realizing we were free falling. I closed my eyes, clinging to him, unable to stop myself from flashing back to the memory of the last time I dropped from the roof of a building. My old best friend Will had thrown me off my old school, Caneview, a year ago. Peter must have realized something was wrong when I didn't stop screaming. In a moment solid ground met my feet.

"Hey, shh, it's okay." Peter pulled my head against his chest and patted my head in an attempt to comfort me. "He isn't going to hurt you anymore." I found myself crying, my body shaking with barely suppressed sobs.

I slowly stopped crying, but I kept my head against Peter's chest, his familiar scent of mint calming me. I hadn't fully recovered from what had happened the year before, and I wasn't sure if I could. The panic attacks hadn't gone away, if anything they had gotten worse. At first I thought Will and I could go back to the way we were before but small talk was almost painful, let alone conversation. The first few months after we had saved him I had tried to patch things up, but it was too hard. We fell out of touch quickly.

"Do you want me to take my suit off so we can walk home?" He tilted my head away from his chest to meet his eyes with a hand on my cheek. Uncertainty was pasted all over his face, as if he was walking on eggshells around me, afraid to say the wrong thing.

I nodded, no longer wanting to do anything but lie in my bed. Everyone had been treating me like that, as if they thought I was a glass floor under their feet, One misstep and I would shatter.


*one month later*

"You need to talk to him."

My mother's nagging voice rang through my ears. I sat on my bed, ignoring her, and attempting to avoid my problems by reading a book where the main character had none. Must be nice.

"You'll have to be more specific, there's a lot of guys running around this tower."

"Peter. You've barely spoken to him since your adventure last week. And don't try to claim that he's been busy saving the city because I talked to him and he said the city has been pretty quiet lately."

I stared blankly at her over my book. She assumed Peter and I were having a problem, which wasn't true at all. I loved Peter, in fact, I had never loved him more.

Of course, there was still a problem, a problem that couldn't really be fixed with one simple conversation. This problem was so complex I didn't fully understand it myself. I knew the overarching issue, the one that I had been burying my whole life: I wanted to know my father.

"Mom, nothing's wrong. In fact, I'm going to see him later." Wrong. Total lie.

"Good, just know that there are plenty of people here for you to talk to. You do know that right?"

I nodded hoping if she was appeased she would leave. Thankfully it worked. She stood, leaving me alone with my book.

I sighed. I was enjoying my dark room and my boring book but I couldn't stay here now. I headed for the elevator, doing my best, but failing, to evade any passing Avengers.

I had just finished saying my hellos to Vision when Peter rounded the corner. He stopped in front of me, looking at the floor.

"Hey Peter! You busy?"

"I was just about to go train, why?" He meets my eyes.

"Oh never mind then. You haven't seen my mother by any chance have you?" His face falls slightly.

"Oh, ya, I just did. She said something about being mad that you lied to her, you know, right after she asked where the two of us are going tonight to hang out?" He gave me an annoyed look. I looked away, blushing sheepishly.

"What's going on Sam? Why are you lying to your mom?" He stepped closer.

"Let's talk about this later?" I sidestepped him and moved to the elevator as it reached our floor.

Peter called after me. "Come on Sam, stop doing that!" The elevator door closed, saving me from having to explain my desire to find my father.

Author's Note

Here is the first chapter! My friend helped me edit this and she also is editing  A Girl, her Best Friend, and a Superhero. I have no clue when my next part will be up because I'm in the middle of basketball season and my schedule is crazy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and be on the look out for the next part. Don't forget to like and comment! 

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