Chapter 3

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Peter gently moved his hands through my hair, which usually would send me right to sleep, but after what had just happened I was wide awake.

"So you want to know your father?" I looked up at Peter from the floor of the training room. I had laid my head in his lap in an effort to calm myself down. He seemed slightly confused as to why this was such a big problem.

"It's not just that. I want the childhood of growing up with a father to be there when I fall. To hold me when I cry. I want the memories of having a dad." I sat up and Peter brought his eyes to mine.

"I'm not sure if this is going to help, but I'm going to tell you anyway." He swung his body around so he was facing me and I scooched closer to him so that our knees were touching. "You can't really fix that problem can you?"

I shook my head. "Unless I built a time machine, which is very unlikely."

"So if you can't fix the problem, why let it bother you? Why let it take you away from the world and beat you down. Being angry about it is okay, but you can't let it control you. Because if you let it control you, you won't ever become the person I know you can be. You won't grow as a person and you will keep digging yourself into a hole that soon you won't be able to get out of. So focus on fixing the things you can, and accepting the things you can't."

Peter paused and I looked at him, desperately wanting to listen to him.

"Oh, and what's probably the most important thing, talk to people. Don't keep things buried inside you, that only makes things worse."

Peter looked at me for a few seconds before pulling me into another hug. I breathed in his scent, praying that even though my father had left me, that he never would.

I pulled away and rested my head on Peter's shoulder. "Can we do this more often?"

I turned my head to him. "The talking or training?"

"Both?" He smiled his adorable smile that always made my heart flutter.

I laughed. "Sure, as long as the training doesn't happen in the middle of the night."

Peter gave me a mischievous look. "No promises. Come on, let's try to get some sleep."

I looked down at my phone again. "But it's only been an hour, we can't leave." I pointed at the webbing over the door.

"Don't worry, I might have lied earlier about not having the dissolving stuff." Peter held up a glass bottle with a clear liquid inside, shaking it slightly.

"You're a real asshole sometimes, you know that?"

"At least I'm an adorable asshole."

"You're lucky you're an adorable asshole." Peter laughed and removed the webbing from the door.

"After you," Peter motioned for me to walk forward.

"How courteous of you." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I'm also a thoughtful asshole it seems."

"Whatever you say." I laughed. "Any chance I can stay in your room? Mine's too cold," I asked stepping through the metal door frame.

"That's a complete lie. You just want to take advantage of me. And I won't stand for it. Mostly cause I was gonna ask you the same thing." We walked towards the elevator, Peter's arm thrown over my shoulder.

"But no one is going to check on you in the morning,"

"Yes, but if your mom checks on you and you're not there won't she be worried?" Peter pointed out.

2. A Love, a Father, and a Legacy (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now