Chapter 26

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"Hey sleepy head, wake up."

Peter gently rubbing my back stirred me. I rolled over, not wanting to get up out of his warm bed.

"Come on. I have something to show you."

"I don't want to leave, I'm warm." I snuggled deeper into the blankets, covering most of my face with them.

"I think you'll want to see this."

"Can't you just bring it to me," I mumbled, already almost asleep again.

"It's too big to carry, even for me."

I still didn't move. I barely acknowledged Peter scooping me up in the blanket and carrying me out of his room like I was a baby. I leaned into him, not thinking that anything in this building could be more important than staying as comfortable as I was. I felt Peter lean down and kiss my head a couple times as we rode the elevator. Eventually, we came to a stop and Peter walked out of the elevator and placed me gently down on what felt like a couch.

"Where are we?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Open your eyes."

I took my hands away from my eyes and looked around. It was a large open room, one that looked like it used to be a workspace. Now it had been transformed into an art studio, beautiful lights strung around the room. There was a long desk in the middle of the room, complete with a large spinning chair. One of the walls was just a row of shelves with more pencils and pens than I could ever imagine, all of many different colors. There were markers, oil pastels, and even crayons. There seemed to be more art supplies in that room than I had ever seen in my life.

"Peter, this is amazing!" I was now standing up, wide awake.

"You haven't even seen the best part." He put his hands on my waist and guided me over to a wall that had a sheet hung over it. When we got close to it Peter pulled the sheet down to reveal a glass door leading to a room with two huge glass walls opposite each other. It had shelf after shelf of paints and brushes. The wall that didn't lead out into the rest of the floor looked out over the city and had a little area set up with an easel.

I stared at it all in awe, my jaw dropping even more as I looked at everything more and more.

"Look, there's even a chair for me to sit in so I can pose for you." Peter ran over and sat in the chair, making a funny face.

I laughed and brought my hands up to cover my mouth, tears starting to form in my eyes. Peter jumped up from the chair and ran back over to where I was standing in the main room. He looked at me concerned and I pulled my hands away from my mouth to show him that I was smiling, making his face split into a huge grin.

"I can't believe you did this for me. No one's ever done something like this for me." I looked up into his eyes, my own sparkling with love.

"I'm here to give you more amazing things like this for the rest of your life. Which is why I want to give you this." Peter knelt down in front of me and I felt my stomach flip over. In his hands was a small black box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful silver ring, complete with little diamonds running down the band.

"Peter, I-"

He waved his hand, dismissing my concern. "It's not an engagement ring. We're still too young to get married. It's a promise ring. I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Samantha Jones. Will you wear it?"

"Yes, of course!" I leaped forward into his arms, only pulling back so he could slip the ring on my finger.

"I have one too." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a matching ring without the diamonds. He slipped it on to his own finger and looked up at me, smiling.

"I love you with all my heart, Peter Parker."

"I love you with all my heart too, Samantha Jones."

I put my hands around his face and brought his lips to mine. He put his hands on the back of my legs, pulling me upwards so they wrapped around his waist. He walked forward, swept his hand across the table in the middle of the room and knocked everything on it to the floor.

"You're picking that up."

He laughed and then lowered me down so my back was laying against the table. He leaned over me, my legs still wrapped around him, and continued to kiss me. I kissed him back, slowly moving backward along the table, making more room. I released my legs from around his stomach and he climbed onto the table with ease. He hovered over me, his knees positioned between my legs, and slowly moved his head down towards my stomach. He moved my shirt up as he continued to make his way upwards. I let out small moans as he nibbled on the skin on my stomach.

"Ow!" I yelped in pain as he bit down too hard.

"Sorry!" He lifted his head in surprise, his cheeks flushed.

I laughed and pulled his head towards mine, pushing my lips against his. We both smiled into the kiss. I moved my hands under his shirt, feeling the muscles of his back under my fingertips as I moved my hands up and down. He broke the kiss for a short moment to pull his shirt over his head before leaning back down again. Peter turned on his side and moved me so I was now on top of him. My legs wrapped around his hips and I leaned down and gently moved my lips over his stomach. I moved my body off of him and pulled his pants off of his legs, letting them fall to the floor. I pulled myself back on top of him and started gently kissing his stomach again. I moved my mouth down until I was kissing right above his boxers, causing a sigh of pleasure to escape Peter's lips. I slowly made my way back up his stomach, stopping to kiss every one of his defined abs. I felt Peter run his hands lightly over my sides, sending tingles flying through my body.

"Do you have a, uh.."

He laughed. "In my pants."

I jumped off the table and grabbed his pants, slipping my hand into the pocket. I slid my shorts onto the ground and then climbed back onto the table. I kissed him and pulled back and smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Author's Note

This was kind of a short chapter but oh well too bad. 

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