Chapter 11

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"Well, I can see no one respects restrictions around here." I looked up from my punching bag when I heard the sound of Tony's voice.

"You know, I wouldn't have to use Peter as a loophole if you would just allow me access," I retorted. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and began to take my boxing gloves off. In the month since my birthday, much to Tony's dislike, I had spent at least an hour every day in the training room.

Peter climbed down his wall and ran over. "I'm so glad that I'm only good for you when you need to bypass restrictions." I still felt butterflies in my stomach every time he spoke.

"You're good for other things, too." I winked at him and he smirked.

Tony cleared his throat. "Anyway, I came to tell you that Will wants to see you. He left a message." I straightened.

"Are you listening to my voicemails now?" I glared at him.

"Actually, no. I have some respect for people's wishes, unlike some people I know." He returned my glare, obviously referencing my continuous disregard for his own desires. "He contacted me directly. I told him you would go see him at 4. He mentioned something about a Bill's I believe."


"No buts." He started walking out. "Peter, make sure she goes." The elevator door closed behind him.

I threw my arms up in defeat. "Ugh! I swear he just wants to ruin my life."

"He has your best interest in mind, trust me." Peter put his hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him. "Last time I saw him didn't go so well."

"So it was really awkward. That's pretty much expected." He moved a piece of my hair behind my ear, pulling me against him so that I had to crane my neck to see him.

"Awkward is not the word I would use. I was attempting to not have a panic attack the whole time and Will wasn't really helping when he kept apologizing for nearly killing me."

He looked at me sympathetically. "Okay, so it was a total disaster. But that doesn't mean this one will be."

"Whatever you say. I'm only doing this because I know that you and Tony won't shut up about it if I don't." I moved away from him and headed for the elevator.

"Where are you going?" I turned around and looked at him staring at me questionably.

"To shower. And no, before you ask, you can't join me." I smirked at him and stepped on to the elevator.


I had a mini heart attack every time I heard the door open. I went to Bill's early hoping to help calm my nerves a little, but it didn't seem to help. I was still as freaked out as I was the last time, maybe even more.

I had finally given up looking up every time the door opened when I heard Will's familiar voice call out his hellos to the waiters and waitresses. He obviously still came here a lot. He looked over at our usual booth and went to sit down, probably assuming I wasn't there yet.

"Hey Will." I caught his attention and waved him over to the booth I was sitting at on the opposite end of the restaurant.

"Hey Sam. Wanted a change of scenery?"

I nodded. "Something like that."

"So..." Will awkwardly slid into the seat across from me.

"So..." I nervously fiddled with my fingers, unsure of what to say.

"How's school?" Will desperately tried to start a conversation.

"Eh, it's school. You?"

"Pretty much the same."

I nodded and turned my head to look out the window. I could feel Will's eyes on me as I studied the world outside.

"How's, uh, Parker?" He nearly spat out the words, as if Peter's name was poisonous.

"He's good." I turned to look at him. He looked as he always did: his blonde hair gelled up, dark circles under his blue eyes, and his lips pursed in a straight line. He looked a bit paler than normal which was strange because he was always really tan after summer ended.

He nodded. I could sense the hatred he felt for Peter but didn't want to say anything. It seemed that the brainwashing done by Hydra hadn't created all the anger that Will felt.

"So, anyone special in your life lately?" I tried to move the conversation past my relationship.

He shook his head and looked down at his hands. "You know there isn't."

I sighed. I knew I shouldn't have asked that question. I didn't tell Peter this, but the last time I met with Will he tried to kiss me, right after he told me that he had been in love with me since the day we became friends. If I had told him he definitely wouldn't be in agreement with Tony that I should still try to have a relationship with Will.

"I'm sorry." I looked out the window again, remembering what had happened before.

"Sam, I love you. I always have loved you and I'll never stop loving you."

I looked up at him. I never thought he would actually tell me. I had always known, he wasn't very good about hiding it, but I couldn't believe that he had actually told me.

"Will..." Before I could say anything he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I moved away as fast as I could and slapped him. "What's wrong with you!"

"Sam! I'm sorry!"

I ignored him and ran off, trying my best to keep tears from streaming down my face.

Will's voice broke me from my thoughts. "You shouldn't be with him. He's putting you in danger."

I looked back at him, his eyes still watching his hands. "What are you talking about?"

"I know his secret Sam. You guys are so god awful at keeping it from people that a monkey could figure it out. That necklace is pretty much advertising it!" He finally looks up, his eyes angry. I look down at the necklace that Peter gave me.

"Will..." I was lost for words, trying to scrape together a sentence in my mind that could somehow convince him he was misinformed.

"If you really wanted to keep it a secret why would you go swinging around the city with him wideout in the open where everyone could see you? You're practically famous." He pounded his fist against the table and I suppressed the nervous cry bubbling in my throat.

"Will, I think we should talk about this somewhere else." I looked around at all the eyes staring at us.

"There's nothing left to talk about. Pretty boy can't be with you if there's a risk of someone finding out that you're his weakness. Maybe it's time everyone finds out who their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man really is." He stood up and started walking toward the door.

I got up and called after him. "Will, you can't!"

He opened the door and paused before stepping out. "Watch me."

I felt my heart drop with the sound of the door closing.

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