Chapter 6

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"Peter! Thank god! I need you to pick me up. Like now. You should have already left." I dropped the pink shirt back down on to the table and began making my way to the door.

"Would you give me a second! I have to find my suit." I heard a ruffling sound before Peter's voice came back. " A ha, found it. Can I call you back in a second?"

"Yes, just please hurry!" I opened the door to the store and looked both ways, making sure the man was nowhere in sight. My phone started buzzing and I quickly answered Peter's call.

"Do you have my location?" I scanned the rows of buildings, trying to find a landmark to help him find me.

"Uh, maybe. Karen, can you track Sam's phone for me?" Peter urgently asked his suits AI.

"Sure thing Peter. Tracking Sam Parker phone. Found it. She's approximately 2.7 miles away in front of Joan's Clothing Shop."

"Did Karen just say Sam Parker?" I questioned Peter.

"Can we talk about this later? Maybe after you explain why I'm rushing off without finishing your anniversary present to come pick you up when you're supposed to be with Tony?"

"As Karen would say, I was in imminent mortal danger. Okay that might be a stretch but still. As for Tony, he isn't going to be here for another 15 minutes."

"Well I'll be there in 5. Can you wait somewhere with less people so we don't draw too much attention?"

"Sure thing. Hurry." I put my phone in my pocket and started walking to the empty parking lot behind the store. A gust of wind blew, making goosebumps form on my arms. I folded them close to me, staring around at the tall buildings and cracked pavement. The sky, grey and dotted with falling leaves, gave little light to the tiny space.

"Well would you look who it is." The familiarity of the voice of the robber from earlier left me frozen. I couldn't move my feet, but somehow I was able to reach forward for my wrist.

"Not so fast!" The robber grabbed my arm so I couldn't reach my bracelet. He lifted my arm and examined it, possibly trying to figure out how it worked. "Well I guess if Tony Stark made this for you, you're probably pretty important to him. I bet he'd pay an extremely large amount of money to get you back."

I laughed. I'm still not able to stop from laughing in situations like this.

"You think the fate of your life is funny?" He seemed almost flustered, as if I was insulting his pride.

"Um...No?" I shrugged. I stopped laughing as fear started to seep in.

"Let's go." He pulled me further away from the store and I tried to struggle out of his grasp. He brought a knife to my throat and I quickly stopped trying to escape.

"May I ask why exactly you have a knife to that beautiful girl's throat?" Peter swung forward and landed a few feet in front of us. I said a silent thanks to his impeccable timing.

"Well if it isn't Spider-Man here to save the day. Maybe you could give Stark a message for me. I want a million dollars in my account in an hour or I'm slitting his little friend's throat." He adjusted his hold on me, moving his arm so he no longer was holding my wrist, and pressed the cool steel to my throat.

"Let's not hurt anyone." Peter took a step forward and I felt the knife press harder against my neck. A sharp burning sensation made me wince before a small trickle of blood dripped down my neck. I let out a small yelp of pain, praying Peter wouldn't sprint forward to try and save me, knowing that the masked man would only plunge his knife deeper into my neck.

2. A Love, a Father, and a Legacy (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now