Chapter 14

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The feeling of something dripping on my face woke me up. I rolled over and looked around at my surroundings, realizing I was in a dark alley. I looked back down at where I was lying and found that a small puddle of water had formed from a dripping gutter above. I stood up and looked down to see that I was wearing the clothes I had worn for my first day of school at Midtown: my Captain America shirt, black leggings, and gray converse. What's going on?

I looked around some more and had a feeling like I had been there before. The cracks on the walls around me were too similar, the trash on the ground closely resembled something I had definitely seen before. Finally, I realized why. I kept looking at the trash, not willing myself to turn around. I started shaking and somehow my body started turning around without me trying to. I felt tears start streaming down my face and I tried to close my eyes, but I was no longer in control.

I was a helpless passenger in my own body. My tears clogged my vision and I felt my hand wipe them out of my eyes. As my vision cleared I clenched my teeth, fearing what I was about to see. I looked down and felt myself shake more and more. Lying in front of me was Peter, his back turned to me, the spider emblem on his suit stained with blood. I felt my mouth open wide as if I was shrieking, but I heard no sound coming from my mouth.

I reached down, placed my hand on his shoulder, and rolled him over so that he was facing me. I crouched down and lifted his face up so that I could clearly see it. One of his eyes was black and swollen and there was blood and dirt all over his face. I gently placed his head back down and I fell backward, my arms and legs now under my control. I lifted my hands up and covered my face, wanting to hide away from the world. I continued to shake and soon I could hear my sobs, there volume slowly increasing.

"Sam?" Peter's voice cuts my plans of hiding short. I looked through my fingers at the boy I loved lying in front of me, hurt clear in his deep brown eyes. "Why?"

I pulled my hands away from my face, looking closer at him.

"Why did you have to bump into me on your first day? Why did you have to come into my life?" With his last words, he fell back onto his back, revealing a cut in his neck, and a pool of blood forming around him. I screamed before a blinding light came over me.

I gasped and felt my body tense up. I squeezed my hand and realized that there was someone holding it.

"Sam? Oh, honey, you're awake! Nurse!" My mom's familiar voice echoed through the room.

"What happened?" I looked around and realized I was in a hospital room. I looked up at my mom in disbelief.

"Let's not worry about that right now, why don't we have the nurse check you out to make sure everything's okay." Right on cue, an olive-skinned woman walked into the room, quickly scanning my monitors.

"Where's Peter?"

My mom paused. "Like I said, will talk later. I'm going to let the nurse talk to you privately now." She got up and started walking to the door.

"Mom wait! Where is he?" She didn't stop and I realized in my attempt to get up that I was connected to many confusing machines with various tubes. The memory of my dream flashed through my mind and fear went through my body. "Where is he?"

I started to cry, and soon I felt a panic attack start. The realization that Peter wasn't there to help made it worse and soon I was screaming as loud as a banshee. I felt the nurse grab my arm and a sharp stinging sensation before I felt all of the energy leave my body and my eyes slowly close, filling my vision with darkness.

* * *

I felt a gentle shake on my shoulder, stirring me. I rubbed my eyes and squinted, making out the shape of Peter's head, his mouth set in a full out grin. "Wake up sleepy head, you don't want to sleep away your last day here do you?"

I shoved his face away from me with my hands, carefully making sure I didn't poke one of his eyes. I threw my covers off of me, jumped out of bed and tackled him to the ground. He might have super strength but I still had the element of surprise on my side. Within a second he rolled me off of him and pinned me to the ground, firmly holding my arms against the floor.

I rolled my eyes, "I get it, you have super strength."

He laughed and leaned down, softly brushing his lips against mine. He lifted his head up, looked at me for a second, and then leaned down again, brushing my lips again before he finally kissed me. He started slowly and softly, and then he let go of my arms and ran his hands through my hair. I kissed him hard and playfully ran my tongue along the inside of his bottom lip. I felt him smile against my mouth before he flipped me over and pulled me on top of him. I kissed him again and ran my hands through his hair. He moved his hands under my shirt and up my back, slyly unhooking my bra. I skillfully slid it out from under my shirt and threw it on to my bed. I leaned down again and grabbed the edge of his shirt with my hands, pulling it up over his head. I ran my hands over his hard stomach before sliding them back through his hair. He lifted me up again, placing my back gently on the floor. He started kissing my stomach, slowly moving up until he was at my neck. I moved my hands up his back and through his hair, arching my back so I was pressed up against him. I rolled him over so he was on his back, placing all my weight on top of him. I sat up and stared down at him, his face glowing with anticipation. I started to lean back down when I heard a gasp come from behind us.

"Are you guys seriously making out on my bedroom floor?" Sarah's voice echoed against the walls.

I jumped off of Peter and turned around, the embarrassment I felt increasing when I saw the look on her face.

"To be fair I wasn't going to let it get to the point where I was having sex on your bedroom floor if that makes you feel any better." I quickly grabbed Peter's sweatshirt off my dresser and threw it on, clearly aware that anyone could walk into that room and find me braless. I grabbed Peter's shirt and threw it at him. He quickly pulled it over his head.

"Were you ever going to inform me of that?" Peter gave me a look and I quickly shrugged it off.

"Okay ew, TMI." Sarah turned around and walked out the door, leaving Peter still glaring at me.

I walked over to my dresser and started taking out a bathing suit and some clothes. "Turn around, I have to get changed."

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." Peter sits down on my bed and watched me nonchalantly.

"And the next time won't be right now." I grabbed my clothes and headed off to the bathroom, leaving him alone. I heard him mumble something but I didn't quite hear what he said.

I quickly changed and tied my hair up. I look at myself in the mirror and smiled. The past three days staying with Sarah on Long Island with Peter have been amazing and make me wish life could be like this all the time.

I sighed and headed back to Sarah's bedroom to get Peter so we can spend our last day hanging out on the beach. As I reached the door I feel a shiver run through my body even though I still have Peter's sweatshirt wrapped around me. I shook it off and pushed open the door.

I looked up and saw the haunting face of Will staring back at me, Peter lying pale on the ground next to him. "I'm sorry it had to be this way." Before I could rush forward to Peter, Will pointed the pistol in his hand at my head. A loud bang was the last thing I heard before I was swallowed into darkness.

* * *

My eyes burst open, blinding me before I squeeze them shut again. I slowly opened them and let them adjust to the light. There was only one thought going through my head: I need to find Peter.

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