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"Hey Honey? Have you seen James's shoes?" I called out to my husband, searching my five-year-olds room for his sneakers.

"Here they are." I look up to see Peter standing in the doorway, holding a pair of black sneakers.

"Thanks, babe." I took them from him and slipped them on my son's feet.

"Thanks, Mommy. How's Ellie?" He placed his hand on my bulging stomach.

"She's just perfect, sweetie." I ruffled his curly brown hair and kissed his cheeks. He grinned, his brown eyes twinkling just like his father's did.

"That's good, she should be here anytime now," Peter said as he bent down and kissed my stomach.

I laughed. "We still have a month left before we have to start worrying about two little ones running around."

"I'm not little! I'm five and a half!" James declared. He was constantly keeping track of how old he was getting, all the way down to the months.

"That's right sweetie, you're a big boy now. You think you're ready to be a big brother?"

"Of course I am! I'm gonna be the best big brother ever!" He jumped off his bed and started dancing around. Peter started to dance around with him, the sight making my heart swell with joy.

"You two silly boys ready to go?"

"Yes, we are!" Peter said, scooping James up and putting him on his shoulders. "Ice cream and pizza here we come!"

I laughed and walked after him as he ran to the car. James was already in his car seat when I got outside.

"We're waiting on you, babe!" Peter called from the driver's seat.

I laughed. "I can only go so fast!"

I climbed in, music already blaring as Peter and James tried to sing along. I joined them as we drove off. The car ride was mostly filled with more screeching from the three of us. Finally, we pulled up to the large complex that was the new home for the Avengers.

"I swear this gets even cooler every time I see it," Peter said, staring up at the buildings.

"Eyes on the road," I yell at him as he starts to drift out of the lines a little bit.

"Sorry," He smiled innocently, his cheeks pink.

He parks and we all pile out of the car, James holding onto Peter's hand. As we walk inside we're immediately greeted by friendly faces.

"Hey everybody!" Peter yells.

"The Parkers are here!" A small auburn haired little boy with glasses ran over to us. I smiled and bent down to hug him.

"Hey there Alex. Where's your mom and dad?"

"Over there." He points over to one of the couches where Banner and Nat are sitting talking to Vision and Wanda. "Momma! Dadda! Come here!"

They look up and smile, all four of them making their way over to us. We all exchanged hellos and hugs before turning to walk into the room where James had already run off into.

"Little Parker! How you been buddy?" I heard Tony yell as we walked in.

"I'm gonna be a big brother!" He squeals, clearly ecstatic for the birth of his little sister.

"I know, it's exciting! Where are your parents?"

"Right here," I say as Peter and I walk up behind James.

"How's my favorite daughter I never had?" Tony asks as he gives me a big hug.

"Amazing," I say, smiling as I pull away. Over the past few years, Tony and I had gotten really close, him slowly being less overprotective, and me slowly giving him less of a hard time.

2. A Love, a Father, and a Legacy (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now