Chapter 22

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I grabbed some clothes for him out of his drawers before I helped him to my room. I helped him all the way to the shower, not wanting to leave him in there alone in fear that he would pass out or fall over. I reluctantly left and changed out of my now wet and slightly bloodstained clothes. I put on sweatpants and a t-shirt, not caring at all how horrible I looked. I sat in my bed next to the pile of Peter's clothes before eventually, I laid down, pulling the covers over me. I told F. R. I. D. A. Y. to close the blinds but I left the lights on for Peter. I figured I would leave him to sleep once he got out of the shower. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through social media before I felt my eyelids start to droop. I put my phone down and closed my eyes, allowing myself a little nap as I waited for Peter. If he needed my help he could just yell. I rolled on my side and felt the sleeve of Peter's sweatshirt brush against my nose. His scent filled my nostrils, sending a warm feeling through my body. I don't remember doing it but when I woke up from the sound of Peter opening the bathroom door I had the sweatshirt balled up in my arms, shoved against my face.

I peered out from over it, to see a half-naked Peter shaking his hair out. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, no longer wanting to get up. When Peter finished changing he turned off the lights and crawled into bed next to me. I slowly moved closer to him, not knowing how he would react. He put one arm around me and pulled me as close to him as I could be, my head laying on his shoulder and chest. I fell asleep listening to the sound of his breath, something I would never take for granted again.

* * *

I woke up to find myself alone in my room. I assumed Peter had snuck out at some point, making me worry about him moving around with his stitches. I still can't believe I did that. Not only did I just stitch up someone's wounds for what I hoped would be the last time, but I invited him to sleep in my room. What was I thinking? Wasn't I supposed to be moving on?

I let my head fall into my hands as I sat up in my bed. I didn't want to move on, but it's what Peter wanted, wasn't it? I used to think that's what he wanted but now I wasn't so sure. What did the kiss mean? Did he still love me?

I sighed. Even if he did, it didn't matter. He thought I was safer without him and I had no idea how to convince him he was wrong.

I finally decided to get up and get some breakfast. To my surprise, Peter was in the kitchen eating when I walked in. I didn't say anything to him but sat down across from him after I poured myself a bowl of cereal.

"Morning." He muttered through a mouth of toast. He had dark circles under his eyes, making it look like he hadn't slept in weeks. His hair was a mess and he had a different shirt on than the one he was wearing last night, leading me to believe he had bled through his bandages and wraps.

"How are you feeling?" I asked between bites.

"Like a monster the size of the Hulk with razor sharp blades sticking out of them decided to use me as a bed."

I looked at him sorrowfully. He didn't deserve to have this happen to him, even if he did walk right into the situation. He just wanted to help. "Did any of your stitches come out?"

He shook his head. "No, they were fine. Almost as if a real doctor did it." He smiled at me weakly. I didn't smile back.

"Well, since you haven't died yet I'm going to assume you don't have internal bleeding. I'm not convinced you don't have a broken rib though. Are you sure you can't go to the hospital? We could make up some story and give you a fake name even."

"No, I'm fine. I already feel ten times better from last night. I really needed the good night's rest. I haven't slept well in, well, a month." He met my eyes but looked away after a few seconds.

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