Chapter 13

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"Banner! You have to get to the tower ASAP!"

"Sam? Slow down, what's wrong? Are you in danger? Where's Peter?"

"I'm fine, I just need you to track Will for me." Vision, who was still standing in my doorway, gave me a puzzled look.

"Will as in the Will who tried to kill you when Hydra brainwashed him?"

"Yes, him! Now, where are you?"

"I'm in my lab. Why do you need to find Will?"

"I'll explain later! I need you to find his location and send it to Peter, like now!"

"Alright, alright I'm working on it. I have to go to level 45 though and I can't really make the elevator go any faster."

"Okay well find it as fast as you can and send it to Peter. And Banner?"


"Thank you so much for having nothing better to do on a Saturday then to hang out in your lab."

"Well I was going to ask Nat to do something but then she went to visit Clint with Steve..."

"Banner, a word of advice?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Just tell her how you feel already! Life's too short and I would say both of you guys' risk of dying is higher than normal people. Just go for it. It's better to know what would happen rather than wondering what the outcome would be."

"Thanks, Sam." I heard the sound of the elevator ding. "Well I'm here, I'll send it over to Peter right away." He hung up the phone.

"I would say that was some excellent advice, Ms. Jones." I looked over at Vision having not noticed he was still there.

"Ya well, he's not the only one who could take that advice." I gave Vision a look that said I was talking about him but I don't think he noticed. "Okay, well I would say now the easy parts done. Now it's time to figure out how to stop Will." Vision watched as I walked through my room and called Peter.

"I talked to Banner. Did you get the location yet?"

Peter answered out of breath, "Ya, he sent it to me. I'm on my way now."

"Okay, well, where is he?" I grabbed my sneakers out of my closet, along with my running jacket.

"Not far from where you last saw him. He's at Richmond Park."

"He's just sitting there? That's extremely weird." I slid past Vision and out the door, making my way quickly to the elevator.

"Ya, I was thinking the same thing." The elevator dinged. "Why are you on the elevator? You don't really think I'm letting you come out here, do you?"

"Doesn't look like you have much of a choice considering you're already halfway to the park. Besides, I'm the only person that's going to be able to convince him not to spill your identity to the whole world."

"You can stay a safe distance away until I decide it's safe."

"Deal. You're going to pick me up, right?"

He laughed, "You're funny."


My feet pounded the pavement as I made my way to the park. I got there well after Peter did but ignored his request to stay behind when I couldn't immediately see either of them. I walked through the park, looking around for any glimpses of Peter's curls or Will's bright blonde hair. After realizing that a middle-aged woman with hair that oddly resembled Will's wasn't him, I finally spotted them after peering through some trees into an open area next to a pond. Right by the edge of it was Will and a few feet in front of him was Peter.

I slowly made my way to the edge of the trees, close enough so I could hear what they were saying but far enough into the shadows that they wouldn't be able to see me.

I watched as Will yelled at Peter. He was furious, an anger that was eerily familiar to me. "You don't deserve her!"

"Says the guy who tried to kill her!" I mentally smacked my forehead. Don't make him angrier Peter!

"At least I'm not swinging her from the rooftops. Parading her around so she's on display for anyone that wants to try and find your weakness. Sounds like you're not far off from killing her yourself."

Peter didn't respond, and even though I couldn't see his face I could picture the hurt look that must have been plastered on it.

"What, is the Spiderling now speechless? It's because I'm right, and you know it. So now you have a choice: either you end any and all contact with the girl you claim to love, or, I will disclose your identity to every newspaper reporter I can find."

I realized I was crying and before I knew it I was yelling. "You can't do this!"

Both Peter and Will turned to the direction of my voice. I stepped out into the open, completely unsure of what I was going to do.

"Well, would you look who it is." Will's smile no longer gave me a warm feeling. His sinister laugh was one I often heard in my dreams, dreams that I would wake up shaking from. On the nights Peter stayed at the tower, he would hold me until, hopefully, I fell back asleep. On the nights Peter wasn't there, well, it wasn't pretty.

"Sam, I don't think the serum Banner and Tony gave him fully worked. Something's happened to him."

"There's nothing wrong with me. It's just become clearer to me that he isn't the one for you. I love you Sam." Will stepped closer to me.

"Will..." I didn't know what to do. I was completely overwhelmed and was doing my best not to cry. "I don't love you."

Will sighed. "I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."

Before I could stop him he pulled a pistol out from behind his back, aimed it at me, and pulled the trigger.

"NOOO!" Peter screamed, running over to me as fast as he could. An immediate pain shot through my entire body before darkness flooded my vision and all feeling left me.

The last thing I heard was Will's voice. "If I can't have you, no one can."

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