Chapter 28

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"I'm still mad at you."

I stepped out of my bathroom wrapped in nothing but a towel to find Peter sitting on my bed.

"Jesus Christ! What are you doing? I'm naked!"


"So, get out. Now!"

"Nope," He stayed where he was, a smug smile on his face.

"Quit being a perv and leave already!"

"No, I'm still mad at you about you telling Tony what happened. This is your punishment."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, no longer caring. I walked into my closet and grabbed some PJs to put on. I looked into my full-length mirror to see a smirking Peter staring at me. "If you wanted to see me naked so bad, you should have just asked."

"But this is more fun."

I pulled on a pair of shorts and was about to pull one of Peter's shirts on when I felt Peter turn me around and kiss me, my bare chest pushing against his chest.

"Now you're just doing this on purpose." I pushed him away from me and slid the shirt over my head.

"I'm just punishing you."

I walked around him and crawled into my bed. "How is kissing me punishing me?"

He crawled on to the other side. "You're right, I'm going to have to come up with something else."

I laughed and laid my head back on my pillow. Peter turned the lights off and then laid his head down right next to mine so we were staring into each other's eyes.

"Are you really mad at me? Because I'm really sorry I told him, it kind of just slipped out. But like in my defense it helped me convince everyone that Loki could actually help and-" Peter stopped my rambling by kissing me, something that happened more often than I'd like to admit.

"I could never be truly mad at you, Samantha Jones."

I smiled. "Good."

He put his arms around me and pulled me close to him, my head laying on his chest. I felt him press his lips to my hair, and I gently kissed his chest.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

* * *

The day had finally come. All of the Avengers were heading to Hydra's headquarters to get their hands on the leader. It made me feel extremely guilty, all of them risking their lives for me. Peter told me not to be, that they all had the option to not go and they were doing it because they cared about me. Of course, they all determined I couldn't come. I didn't try to argue that much, knowing it would be futile.

I've spent the past few hours in my studio, having conversations every once in a while with F. R. I. D. A. Y. to keep me sane. That probably makes me sound crazy but I don't really care. I had my favorite music blasting and was painting the city in front of me, doing everything I could to keep the mission out of my thoughts.

I'm not allowed to have any contact with any of them while they're gone, a safety precaution according to Tony. It felt like more torture added to an already painful situation. You try waiting around with no news about whether you would be allowed to leave your house again, or if the love of your life is still alive or not.

Every time my thoughts drifted to the possibility that one of them would die I reminded myself that they had faced much greater opponents and come out fine. I just hope this time would be the same.

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