Chapter 10

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After Peter and I finished eating the cake and stopped rubbing it on each other we were ushered to another room for presents. I had never been a big fan of presents, liking giving more rather than receiving, but the Avengers were not going to take no for an answer.

"Okay, now open mine." Steve excitedly handed me a box wrapped in newspaper. I carefully undid it, not wanting to rip any of the pages.

"I'm pretty sure you're not going to hurt his feelings if you rip it open." Bucky rolled his eyes and I ripped the rest off, crumbled it up, and threw it at him. It hit his face and bounced off, causing everyone to laugh.

I opened the box, eager to find out what was inside. Moving some tissue paper away revealed a beautiful, small, silver bracelet. It had multiple different charms hanging from it, all shaped like different symbols of the Avengers.

"Now you can take us with you wherever you go." Steve smiled and I jumped up to hug him.

"Thank you. It's perfect."

Tony quickly jumped in before I opened the next present. "But, just wait! There's more." He ran over to me, more excited than a newborn puppy, and grabbed the bracelet from my hands.

"Sure, you can hold my bracelet." I stood up to get a closer look at what he was doing.

"Okay Cap, pull out your phone." Steve did as Tony said and held it up so we all could see it.

"Now watch." I looked back over at Tony as he squeezed the Captain America symbol between his fingers. The silver charm lit up, turning it from sliver metal to the red and blue of the shield.

"Look at my phone!" Steve held up his phone excitedly, practically jumping. The screen was lit with an alert that said:


I grabbed the bracelet out of Tony's hand and began to examine it closer. "That's so cool! Does it work for all of them?"

"Pretty much. The only one that doesn't work is Thor's because he doesn't have a phone."

"You could have it send me an electronic letter. Do you humans never remember that?" Thor retorted.

"We're sorry Thor, we forget things sometimes." I rolled my eyes, fully knowing that he didn't have a laptop to actually sign into an email, let alone receive one.

I began admiring the bracelet again, looking at all the silver charms. Suddenly I realized one was missing.

"Where's Peter's?"

"Huh, I must have forgotten one. Oh well, I'll add it later." He looked at Peter and winked before he turned to head out of the room. I knew something was up but I didn't bother questioning it.

Tony called out just before he left the room. "I don't know about you guys but I'm tired. Good night!"

I sighed, realizing that I was actually sad the party had ended. I began collecting my presents as everyone slowly disappeared, leaving only Peter and me.

"So, was this party as much of a disaster as your other ones?" He helped me finish putting all the gifts in bags before we sat down on the couch together.

"Surprisingly, no. I actually think I had fun." I laughed and Peter smiled.

"Well, I'm glad. Everyone should have a good birthday party experience, especially on their eighteenth birthday."

"True, but technically it isn't my birthday yet."

Peter rolled his eyes. He always got annoyed when I said "technically". "Well, since it isn't actually your birthday, I guess I'll have to wait to give you my present."

"Wait no! Give it to me!"

"Nope, you'll have to wait." He tried to put a serious expression on his face but he wasn't really an actor either.

I put on my best pleading face. "Please?"

He looked at me for a few seconds before he caved. "Fine, you win." He shook his head and pulled from behind his back a small, royal blue box with a red ribbon tied around it. I grabbed it out of his hands before he could change his mind.

"You do know other colors exist in the world, right?"

He laughed. "Just open the box."

I did as he said, carefully untying the ribbon. I lifted up the cover to reveal a necklace that had the Spider-Man symbol on it.

"Peter, it's beautiful!" I lifted it up so I could look at it closer. "Does it work just like the charms?"

Peter nodded. "And for the record, I came up with the idea first. Steve just decided to copy me."

I held the necklace out to Peter and he took it from my hands. I turned around and lifted up my hair so he could hook the necklace around me.

"Well, even if Cap did steal your idea, I like this gift the most."

"Really? The laptop that Tony gave you is pretty sick. And the colored pencil set that Banner got was awesome too."

"I would take yours over there's any day." I reached up and kissed him.

He pulled away after a moment. "I would give you this and whatever else you wanted any day." He kissed me again.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Do we have to go upstairs? I kinda want to stay here."

I felt Peter's arm lift up before I felt a blanket draped over me. He pulled me forward so that I was lying down with my head on his chest.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., please turn the lights off."

And just like that, the room was dark. That night I fell fast asleep on Peter's chest, the happiest girl alive.

Author's Note

This is kinda a short chapter but I wanted to post another one so this is what you get. Plus I'm doing a time jump next chapter and I don't like doing time jumps in the middle of chapters. I don't really have anything else to say except that I love you all and thank you for taking the time to read my story!

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