Chapter 19

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I stared out the classroom window wishing I was anywhere but in History class. I could be at the tower working on something with Tony and Banner, finally being able to train with Bucky and Steve, or being held by Peter as we binge watched another Netflix series.

No, stop thinking about him, Sam!

I sighed and looked over at Peter sitting on the other side of the room. It had been a month since Peter had broken up with me. I had desperately tried to move on. I had done everything I could think of. I watched sad movies with my mom while eating a gallon of ice cream and even spent a weekend with Sarah where she spent the whole time trying to get me to hook up with random guys. This backfired though because every time she introduced me to one the only thing I could think of was how much I would have rathered been talking to Peter. I even tried burning drawings I had done of Peter, but that just ended in me being even sadder and drawing more.

"You're hopeless," Sarah whispered from behind me, pulling my eyes away from the side of Peter's head. I sighed and looked back down at the chapter I was supposed to be taking notes on. I read a couple more sentences before I felt my head look over at Peter again. I caught the sight of his head moving back down to his book.

The bell rang and I slowly gathered my things, making sure that Peter was long gone before I left so I don't accidentally run into him. He's all I think about. Whether it's how I can avoid him or how much I miss him, he's always on my mind. I know it sounds cliché but it's true.

I walk out of class and head to my locker to grab my lunch. I meet up with Sarah at her locker and we head to the cafeteria.

"You really need to move on. How about we go on a double date tomorrow night? I just met this new guy at Café Crème and he's gorgeous. I'm sure he has a cute friend that he could bring along with him if I ask him to go out."

I sigh. "I don't think I'm ready Sarah." I look down at my shoes, knowing she's rolling her eyes at me.

"You always say that. I'm making an executive decision to make you go on this date."

I glare at her. "Whoever gave you control over my life?"

"I did when you started moping around like some lost puppy. You're acting like one of those girls from a bad romance movie."

"I don't mope."

"Sure you don't" I saw her roll her eyes this time.

I didn't argue more because I knew she was right. When we finally reached the cafeteria I did the first thing I do when I enter any room, look for Peter. I find Ned and MJ but don't see Peter sitting with them. Fear starts growing inside me at the thought of how he could have disappeared in such a short amount of time. He promised me a while ago that he wouldn't leave school unless it was an emergency.

I grabbed Sarah's arm. "Where's Peter?"

She shakes her arm, trying to get me to let go of the death grip I have on her wrist. "Who cares? He probably started skipping again. Now can you let go of me?"

I finally let go and apologize for the red marks she now has. I try to believe what Sarah said but I have a feeling in my stomach like she's wrong. I push it away and try to eat but I'm no longer hungry. I push my salad around while Sarah continues to tell me about John, the guy she met at the coffee shop.

I look up at where Ned's sitting again to see if Peter has shown up. Not only has he not made an appearance but the look on Ned's face doesn't give me any comfort.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"I need to go." I started putting my salad back into my lunch box.

"Is this about Peter not being here? Can you please forget about Parker for one second?"

"This isn't about Peter. I just need to talk to Ned quickly."

"Really, you're going to talk to Peter's best friend but it has nothing to do with Peter? You've literally been avoiding both of them for a month."

"I just need to ask him something quickly. I'll see you later." Except at that moment, I knew there was no way I was going to any more of my classes that day. The bell rang and I raced to go find Ned.

* * *

"Where is he? What happened?" Ned jumps as I rush up at him while he's getting books from his locker.

"I can't tell you." He continues to grab books like I'm not there.

"Yes, you can. Start moving those lips of yours before I show everyone the baby pictures I found of you last time I was at your house."

"You promised you would never show anyone those!" He closed his locker and looked at me.

"Well, things change. Now start talking."

"I can't. I promised him I wouldn't tell you."

My fear worsened. "Ned, if he doesn't want me to know where he is it's because he's in danger or making a stupid decision. Or both. Where is he."

"I'm sorry but he was dead serious about me not telling you. Show anyone you want those pictures, I don't care."

I sighed in frustration. "If you're not going to tell me where he is I'll just find him on my own."

I turn away and head towards the door to the school, ignoring Ned's shouts of protest behind me.

I walk out the door, no idea where I'm going but knowing I need to find Peter. Only one thought goes through my mind. He better not be dead.

* * *

My phone buzzed none stop with calls and texts from both Ned and Sarah. I ignored all of them. I decided to head to the tower to see if I could find something that would help me find Peter. I knew Tony was at a business meeting somewhere in California and the only people staying at the tower currently are Wanda and Vision. Hopefully, they're watching Netflix together somewhere where they won't run into me.

I finally reach the tower after scanning all the local news stations for any information about Spider-Man on the subway ride over. Sadly there was nothing that wasn't sightings from a couple days ago. I walked into the tower and headed straight for the elevator, not even checking to see if anyone is here. Right as I'm about to press the button for the elevator I hear a familiar accented voice call out my name.

"Samantha! How are you, my dear child? I'm so sorry to hear the news of your breaking with the Spiderling."

I turn around and put on the best fake smile I can. "Thanks." My eyes pass over Thor and fall on the dark figure standing a few feet behind him in the shadow of the large fountain in the middle of the lobby. "Who's your friend?"

The dark shadow steps into the light and I immediately recognize him from the news stories from years earlier. The news stories of devastation in New York. The disastrous events that created and then nearly killed the Avengers I now love.

"It's my brother, Loki," Thor says it so normal as if his brother didn't try to kill all of the people I love.

I stare at him, dumbfounded. Loki smiled at me, making him seem both menacing and innocent at the same time.

He stepped closer and started to scan me up and down like I was some enemy that he was going to have an easy time killing.

"Thor, why did you bring your brother here who a few years ago tried to destroy this very city?"

Thor didn't get a chance to answer before Loki stepped in, an even bigger smile plastered on his face. "You see my dear, that is a good question. Allow me to fill you in."

Author's Note

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I didn't have internet for like forever so I couldn't write more. I probably won't post much for a little while because I'm going to California on Tuesday and won't be back for a week. 

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