Chapter 4

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My mom swung my door open doing her best to make as much noise as possible. "Rise and shine honey! You remembered to tell Peter about the first day of school tradition right?"

"I think?" I threw my covers off and pushed myself out of bed before she could open the curtains and blind me.

"I'll text May. Get dressed quick, everyone's waiting." She turned around and walked out of my room, muttery about having so many people to feed. I smiled. She would never admit it, but she loved having an entire tower of people to fawn after her food every day.

"Everyone?" I called after her, finally processing her words, but she didn't respond. "Okay, thanks! You're so helpful!"

I walked to my closet and shuffled through my clothes. I saw my Captain America shirt and held it up, thinking back to the first day of school last year and the first time I met Peter.


"Oh god, second time today! I'm so sorry."

I bent down to grab my books, but only my sketch pad was left. I looked up and recognized the face that stood in front of me. It was the curly-haired boy from the picture on the website. He was a good head taller than me, and standing this close I could see his eyes were a very deep brown.

"These must belong to you." He handed me my books.

"Thanks." I smile at him, my face flushing with embarrassment before turning away quickly, hoping to get as far away from the scene as possible.

"Hey, wait, do you have a name?" He called after me, trotting to keep up. I glanced at him. He ran like he was floating, as if it was as easy as sleeping.

"Of course I do," I responded simply, not realizing he was asking what it was.

"I see. Well mine is Peter Parker." We walked by three classroom doors and two students before he spoke again. "What is this elusive name of yours?"

"Oh, sorry," I said stupidly. What is wrong with me? "I'm Samantha Jones, but you can call me Sam."

"Nice to meet you, Sam."

"You too, Peter."

"It is tradition." I turned around and saw Peter standing in my door frame.

"Peter!" I ran over and jumped into his arms, kissing him so hard he nearly fell over.

"Wow," he laughed, "I should surprise you more often."

He put me down and I walked back over to my clothes. I picked up the Captain America shirt again, examining it.

"Maybe I could just stretch the tradition a little." I gave Peter and smirk and dug into the back of my closet pulling out a folded black shirt. I held it up so Peter could see it.

"Perfect." He smiled. "Does this mean that Spider-Man is now your favorite Avenger?"

"Hmm. Maybe." I laughed and Peter threw his arms up in frustration.

"Hurry up and change before all the foods gone." Peter covered his eyes with his hands and I laughed, reaching up to kiss his lips quickly before grabbing a pair of jeans and running into the bathroom.

* * *

"There's the slowpoke!" I heard Steve's voice ring out from the dining table as Peter and I stepped into the room. "Hurry up and sit down, I've been waiting what feels like a hundred years to eat these crêpes." I smile at everyone gathered around the long table.

"Steve, we kinda have waited a hundred years."

"Oh, shut up Bucky."

"Language," Tony called out, making Natasha choke on her water.

2. A Love, a Father, and a Legacy (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now