Chapter 18

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"Sam?" Sarah's voice echoed through the classroom. I didn't lift my head off the ground to look at her. I just stayed put, the energy in my body drained. "Oh hun, come here." Sarah sat down next to me and pulled my head into her lap, stroking my hair softly.

I didn't say anything, I just let her hold me. My eyes hurt more than they had ever before and I felt like my head was going to explode. But on top of all of that, I felt completely empty inside.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She turned my head so that I was looking up at her. I shook my head no. I couldn't really talk to her, not fully. How do you explain to your best friend that your boyfriend just broke up with you because him secretly being a superhero is putting your life in danger?

"Well, I think you need to go home because I wouldn't be surprised if Tony calls every precinct in the country trying to figure out where you are."

I groaned at the thought of having to face him and my mom, along with the rest of the Avengers. Sarah helped me up and we walked out of the classroom into the deserted hallway. I grabbed my things and headed for the door, Sarah close behind.

"I can get home on my own. I don't want you going out of your way to walk me home."

"Are you sure? I'm not sure you should be walking alone so soon after your accident. What if your like internally bleeding and then you pass out on the subway?"

"I'll be fine. I promise. But don't be surprised if I don't answer you for a few days. Tony will most likely ground me and take my phone away for being late."

She laughed and I forced a small smile in an attempt to make Sarah think I was feeling better. I turned and headed off to face something I was completely unprepared for.

* * *

I finally reached the tower, doing my best to prepare myself for anything that might happen. I sighed and walked inside, keeping my eyes down and heading straight for the elevator. I climbed on and leaned against the wall for support as the elevator made its way up to my floor. I closed my eyes and the memory of what happened at the school flashed through my mind. I felt the urge to cry again but was pulled out of my trance when the elevator opened to my floor.

I walked to my room, thankfully not passing any Avengers on my way. I opened the door and turned on the light to reveal Tony sitting in my desk chair.


"How did I get in here? Did you really think you could use my own technology to keep me out of your room?"

"I, uh..."

He waved his hand as if to dismiss his question. I stood there, not sure what to say.

"You're late."

I put my bag on the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Would you like to explain why? I'm pretty sure I made it very clear that you were supposed to come home as soon as school was over unless you get special permission. So why are you late?"

I contemplated yelling at him again, reminding him that he wasn't my father. Telling him to stop treating me as if I was his little toddler that was purposely trying to ruin his life. I thought about just turning around and leaving without saying a word. I also had the thought of walking up and screaming in his face that he should have never helped my mom and me in the first place. But at that moment, I really needed a dad. "Peter broke up with me."

I tried to stop myself from crying but the moment Tony pulled me into a hug I started sobbing all over again. He didn't say anything at all, he just let me cry into his shoulder.

2. A Love, a Father, and a Legacy (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now