Chapter 12

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I hysterically chased after him, failing to avoid a waitress carrying two strawberry milkshakes.

"I'm sorry!" I step over the mess of glass and ice cream and burst out the door. I scan the surrounding area, unsuccessful in finding Will.

"Damn it!" I mutter, proceeding to run in the direction of Will's house. As I run, I pull my phone out of my pocket to call Peter.

I listened to the ringing before his voicemail came on. I groaned. What could you possibly be doing Peter?

I continued running, although it didn't take long for me to have to stop. I leaned against the nearest wall, attempting to catch my breath. My phone started vibrating soon after my breathing slowed.


"Sam? What happened? Why did you call me?"

I spit words out as fast as I could. "Peter! Thank god! We have a slight problem. And by slight, I mean major."

"Slow down. What happened? Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm fine. But I think Will is about to spill your identity to the world."

"WHAT! You told him?!"

"No, he figured it out! I'm sorry!"

"Oh god! Ok, where is he?"

"That's another problem. I have no clue. He took off from Bill's and I don't know where he went."

"Damnit. Okay, listen to me. Get back to the tower as fast as you can. Then go up to level 45."

"What if I don't have access? I can't call up Tony, he left for a short weekend vacation with Pepper. There probably in Australia knowing him!" I started jogging toward the tower. Thankfully my training with Peter had actually paid off and I wasn't as out of breath as I usually was.

"You're right, he's too far away to get him to come back in time." Peter paused while he thought. I continued running toward the subway entrance, not once stopping. For a brief second, I thought I heard someone calling my name, but I brushed it off, assuming that they probably were yelling to a different Sam.

"Do you know who's staying at the tower at the moment?" Peter asked.

"Um, let me think." I found the train I was looking for and grabbed a seat next to an old women knitting what appeared to be a scarf. "Vision as always is there. Wanda probably is there too." The women looked at me, the mention of Vision most likely perking her attention. "I think Nat and Steve are visiting Clint on the farm. Bucky is probably staying there, but he's most likely out doing something. I think Tony mentioned something about Banner and him working-"

"Banner! He would have access! He and Tony were working on upgrading some of the Avengers suits and weapons earlier so he's probably still there."

The train reached my stop and I rushed off, nearly knocking over the eavesdropping old woman. I stumbled up a flight of stairs, rushing past people as they made their way on their daily commute.

"Okay, but I'm still confused what any of this means. What is on level 45? And how is this supposed to help us find Will and stop him from telling everyone your secret?"

"I'm not really supposed to know this but I overheard Tony talking to Banner about putting a tracker in Will in case the serum they gave him was only temporary and he came after you again. Level 45 is another one of Tony's labs, one that I'm pretty sure only him, and hopefully Banner, have access to."

I processed this information as I rounded the block, the huge tower now in sight. "Tony's putting trackers in people now? What am I supposed to do if I somehow find Banner and make it up to the lab?"

"Just tell him that you need him to locate Will. He will know how to do it."

I ran across the street, nearly getting hit by a car in the process, and sprinted inside the building. I looked around the lobby, not seeing anyone. "How am I even supposed to find him? Do you realize how big this building is? He could be anywhere, or not even here at all!"

"Ok, ok, let me think." Ruffling sounds from Peter moving were the only things I heard for a minute before, "The bracelet!"


"Yes! The one Steve gave you!"

"Oh yeah! I can send a distress signal to him!" I grave thought passed my mind as I realized a devastating thought. "I don't actually know where the bracelet is."

"How can you possibly lose the bracelet that is basically your emergency contact for any situation?"

I started toward the elevator praying that it was in plain sight in my room. "I didn't think I needed it! I had the necklace that let me contact you, who else would I need to call for any situation?"

"Well obviously Banner in this one!"

"Not helping!" I hung up on him as the door finally opened for my floor, allowing me to take off for my room. Vision stood in the hallway and I hoped he would move out of my way. Instead, I felt myself rush through him, an odd sensation running through my body. I shook it away, ignoring any words of distress that he called out to me. I nearly ripped my door off my hinges and began trashing my room, ripping open drawers and distributing their contents on the floor and bed.

"Sam, is something wrong?" Vision's concerned voice burst through my room, slowing but not stopping me on my rampage through my room.

"Um kinda, do you happen to know where my bracelet that lets me contact all the Avengers is?" I began unzipping my bags and reaching into every pocket, desperately feeling for anything that closely resembled a bracelet.

"No sorry. Why do you need to contact an Avenger? Are you in danger?"

"Not exactly. I need to talk to Banner." I looked around at my room, any hope I had in finding the bracelet dissolving quickly.

"Did you try calling him?" He looked at me simply, as if his comment didn't make me feel like Peter and I weren't the biggest idiots in the world.

"Why are we so stupid! Thank you Vision!" I ran up to him and kissed his cheek before digging into my pocket for my phone. I found his contact as fast as I could, wishing he would pick up right away. Thankfully, my wish came true.


"Banner! You have to get to the tower ASAP!"

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