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So I've been completely trashed.

My sister fucking trashed my room and I don't even fucking care anymore, she threw my drawers and fucking scattered all my fucking shit

I could show you but I don't think I should since she might find this, nah screw it

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Fuck you! I might forget that this happened but remember your an asshole and I didn't forgive you but for the sake of moving on and being the coward I am 

I probably forget

And maybe we never talk again 

Or maybe we do just not as much as before, that's 'too bad'

ANd this started over me not letting you on my iPad, do you understand how pathetic and stupid that is? I don't have to! I do not have to let you on my device s because you want to use them! And he still I probably should've handled the situation better but your a cunt 

Your started to annoy me, I don't care I feel you fucking cried or trashed the room, I honestly couldn't care less right at this moment

Remember that I'm your little sister but I will not be your fucking slave

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