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Chapter five

I sat there talking with Louis about everything that's happened. If you need love advice, he's the guy to talk to.

I started telling him how I use to bully Camber and then now started to get feeling for her, but she doesn't feel the same towards me since her and Ashton are a thing. It makes me angry that Ashton didn't even tell us.

"-and then I walked here to talk to you." I finished my whole story while I took another swing of my beer. Louis looked at me before taking another sip of beer himself.

"Calum. How much do you like this girl uh, Camber?" He asked me.

"A lot, I'd do anything for her." I ran my fingers through my hair, in all honesty I'd do anything for Camber and Bentley.

"I have an idea," Louis said as he put down his beer. "Do something nice for her or as I would say, woo her, impress her and show her that the old Calum Hood is gone and the new one is here." Louis spoke boldly, as if impressing her was the easiest thing in the world.

"I'm not exactly on her good side, so impressing her is going to be hard." Louis gave me a grin.

"You could always f-"


"Sorry, just a suggestion just a suggestion." He threw his hands up in defense while laughing.

"What should I really do to impress her?" I asked with a serious tone. Louis looked at before smiling at me.

"She means that much to you huh?" He asked, I nodded. He has no idea how much my heart skips a beat when I'm looking at her. "You're in luck, because I know a great chef that can make you guys a romantic dinner for two right here at my house." Louis spoke a hint of excitement in his voice.

"You'd let me use your house to have a dinner date with her?" I asked surprised that Louis would even offered.

"Of course, plus if anything goes wrong I'll be here, because this benefits me too." He smiled, if only I knew what he was planing inside that head of his.

"How does this benefit you?" I asked a little confused by what he meant.

"You'll see. So are you down with having it here?" He asked.

"It's a date then." I grinned. I gathered myself to walk back to the house but Louis called back to me.

"Tomorrow night, here at my house around 8ish, work for you?" I nodded giving him a wave goodbye as I made my way out the door.

I started running back to the house, all excited for the events that are going to happen tomorrow night.

// Camber //

I woke up next to an empty space, I swore that Bentley was right next to me hours ago. I started to panic, fearing where Bentley ran off to.

"Bentley?" I called out but no answer, "Bentley?" I tried again but nothing. I ran downstairs to find him sitting in Luke's lap as they watched the Power Rangers Ninja Storm on Netflix. I sighed in relief knowing he was in safe hands.

I walked to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water, my throat is really dry. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet making my way towards the fridge.

"Camber!" A voice said from behind me making me drop the glass as it shattered all over the place. I felt a stinging feeling in my left ankle, I dared to look down, but when I did I was bleeding. I looked up to find a very panicked Calum. "Camber!" He said but this time in a different tone. The other tone was happy and cheerful, this one held fear and worry.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now