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lukes voice crack - lord jesus i just died !

Chapter forty-two

// Calum //

The movie was almost over, Camber was snuggled up to me fast asleep. She hardly gets any sleep and I feel bad, so I'm just going to let her sleep. Well I was until the baby monitor went off signaling that the twins were up. I kissed Camber's forehead and lifted her up, gently placing her back on the couch. Running upstairs I saw Skylar crying, picking her up and placing her in my arms I rocked back and forth.

"Awe Sky, what's wrong baby?" Like asked her would even help, she can't even talk yet. Then Nathan started to cry, picking him up as well I rocked the both of them in my arms. "I'm sorry but I don't speak whatever language your speaking." I said to the two crying babies.They finally stopped crying and looked at me, I stared at them happy that I'm here for them and never leaving. "Nathan, you're going to do great things son, become a singer, play the bass," I told him, "And Skylar, stay away from boys baby, they are nothing but trouble." It's true, I'm trouble and I'll admit it.

"You've got that right." I heard from the door, turning around I saw Camber smiling at me. "I'll take Nate." She said taking him out of my right arm.

"How much of my small speech did you hear?" I asked her, she started to giggle.

"All of it." She smiled at me, blushing I kept rocking Skylar back and forth.

"I just want to protect her, you know?" I said, I don't want anything to happen to Skylar, this is my little princess and I just want her safe, that's all.

"Daddy, that's my job." Bentley said from behind Camber, he looked up at me and smiled.

"What's your job Ben?" I asked.

"To protect Sky." He said smiling widely. I couldn't help but smile back at him, he really would be a great big brother.

"Ben, you're a really good big brother, you know that baby?" Camber said as she bent down to be at his eye level with him.

"Yes mommy I do." He beamed, he hugged Nate who was in Camber's arms, "Night Nate." Bentley said giving his brother a kiss on the head.

"Awe." Camber cooed, she messed up Bentley's hair and he smiled.

"Nate, I'm going to teach you to put you're hair in a quiff." Bentley smiled widely before heading downstairs. Camber shook her head and giggled, laying Nate down in his crib. I put Skylar down in her crib as well, both of the twins sound asleep.

"We make adorable babies." I grinned down at her, giving her cheek a kiss.

"They all have your looks, none of mine." Camber laughed.

"I see our beautiful daughter, and she'll grow up as beautiful as you baby." I told her, she blushed.

"You're just saying tha-"

"No, baby, I'm not," I said cutting her off. I pulled her waist closer to me, placing my hand at the small of her back, our foreheads smushed together. "I love you, don't you forget it." I told her, giving her nose a kiss.

"I won't, I love you too." She said back, our lips connecting together for a sweet but short kiss.

"So, I have a surprise for you." I smiled at her, oh if only she knew what the surprise was, but she has to wait for it.

"What is it?" She asked, getting all jumpy.

"You have to wait for it, baby." I cooed at her, leaving her to think for a second while I headed downstairs.

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