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team calum or luke ?

i am back hello and enjoy xx

9k xxxx

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Chapter thirty-five

It's been really awkward between Luke and I since last night, I mean he kissed me and told me he liked me, that wasn't what I was expecting. He's hardly come out of his room at all either, if he does he's just getting some good and heads back upstairs, and he's officially stopped talking, completely. The only person who knows what happened is Harry, and anytime Luke comes downstairs, Harry gives him a mean glare. Things just aren't the same anymore.

I was home alone, well Bentley was home with me, the guys went out to get some things done. I stayed home with Bentley who's still not talking, which worries me a lot.

"Hey Ben, you want to watch a movie?" I asked him. He nodded as I walked over to the movies and picked out a couple he might like. "Which one?" I asked, he got off the couch and pointed to one of his favorites, Cars 2. Putting it in the DVD player he sat back down on the couch and watched. I headed into the kitchen to make some popcorn. I took out my phone and called the one person I wanted to talk to.

"Hello, Cam are you okay?"

"Calum I'm fine, but Bentley still isn't talking." I said to him.

"I'll be home soon enough, I miss you both so much." He said.

"I miss you too," I said, "Calum, I have to tell you something." I was going to tell him about Luke kissing me, he deserves to know.

"What is it baby?" He said. Taking a deep breath I was ready to tell him.

"Well-" before I could finish what I was going to say Luke snatched my phone and ended the call, before shoving it into his pants. "Luke, give me my phone back, now!" I snapped at him. How dare he take my phone. He only shook his head no. "I am telling Calum what you did one way or another, he deserves to know." Pushing Luke aside I walked upstairs and looked around to see if the other boys left their phone. Luckily Ashton left his phone and I've seen his password. Typing it in I went to the contact list and called Calum back.

"Hey, Ashton-"

"It's Camber, sorry Luke took my phone." I said, "Now back to what I was saying-" I was cut off by music blaring in the house this time. Jesus Luke, I'm going to kill him.

"What is that?" Calum asked.

"Luke blaring music in the house, I'll be right back." I said setting down the phone. Running down the stairs I saw Luke smirk as he turned down the music a little. "Stop it Luke, you have no one to blame but yourself, you kissed me and someone has to tell Calum, and that someone clearly won't be you." I snapped at him. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

He took my phone out of his pants and gave it back, then my phone vibrated notifying me that I got a text.

*I will tell him, he will have every right to kick my ass when he's better...

- Luke x *

I looked over at Luke who nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine, but you need to tell him soon Luke, don't wait." I said as I headed back upstairs.

"Cam, is everything alright?" Calum asked.

"Yeah," I lied, "Everything alright."

"What where you going to tell me, babe?"

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