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Chapter thirty-eight

// Calum //

After Michael came to talk to me, I was just being an idiot, an idiot who wouldn't go after the girl I love, I just sat in the hospital all night. The next day was the same damn thing, and soon it turned into a week. I just sat there and couldn't move, I just looked through old pictures of us and cried. The nurses and doctors didn't bother me unless they came to check up on me. No one visited me either, not even the boys, which I would expect. I was an asshole to Camber and now I'm just pushing her away, like it's nothing.

Michael's right, I can't leave Bentley and the new baby on the way, but I feel that if I push Camber away I won't hurt her anymore then I already have. I'm doing this for her own good, I'm protecting her from getting hurt, from me. She deserves better then me anyways, the only problem is I don't want Luke to be with her, that's what I'm afraid of, is when I leave her Luke will get her.

I don't know what's wrong with me, I love her so much yet I'm willing to leave her, our son and the new baby just to protect her from getting hurt by me.

"Calum," the doctor said, I guess I wasn't listening to him or even notice he was in the room, "You can go home now." He said. Home, somewhere I haven't been in a while, a place I miss.

"Oh, okay." I said. Getting up from the hospital bed I signed myself out, the nurse at the front desk smiled at me.

I left the hospital and started to just walk around, walk around the city to see where my feet would take me. It took me to a small park where little kids ran around, only reminding me of my own little boy. Watching the kids run around and smiling made me miss Bentley, Camber said he hasn't talked ever since I got into the hospital and he still isn't talking.

Sitting on a park bench for twenty minutes I started walking again. I went into a store and bought some sunglasses so I could hide from some of the fans the closer I got to the house, I also got a SnapBack that I put on as well. I did meet some fans that I took pictures with but I still kept walking away from the house, only talk to the one person who would help me.

Placing three knocks on the door it opened, right away I was engulfed into a big hug. "Calum, I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too," I said, she let me into the house I got comfy on the couch, "I have a problem." I admitted, fiddling with my fingers.

"What is it Calum?" She asked me. I looked up at her, she was a girl maybe she would understand what I was about to do.

"You know my girlfriend Camber?" I asked her, she nodded, "Well all I do is hurt her, emotionally, and I don't want to hurt her anymore, so I'm pushing her away. I don't know, I just need girl advice, can you help me Mali?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll always be here for you Calum, your my little brother." She said , I gave her a smile and got back up and hugged her.

"Thank you Mali, you're the best." I whispered as I still hugged her.

"I know," she giggled, "Now about what you think is best." She said pulling away from the hug.


"You said you always hurt her, emotionally so you're pushing her away," she said, I nodded agreeing with her, "You're doing what you think is best, but is it really what's best Calum?" She asked me. I thought about it for a minute. She's right, it is what I think is best but I'm not sure if it really is what's best.

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