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my gosh guys im so sorry for these crappy chapters, i will edit them when i get time.

also if you haven't already, check out Matthew Espinosa fanfic :) ill be working on that one and this one so bare with me please.

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Chapter twelve

// Ashton //

Calum and Camber left meaning we were alone to take care of Bentley, I think this will be a piece of cake.

"Ash look." Bentley said as he grabbed a handful of eggs and threw them at Louis.

"Oh Bentley." Louis grinned, he turned around as Louis flung oatmeal at Bentley, good thing it wasn't real hot.

"Hey don't throw food guys." I said, clearly they didn't listen to me as a food fight broke out in the kitchen. Bentley got down from the counter and ran around the house throwing food with the boys. Liam was the only one not throwing food.

"Guys settle down before somebody gets hurt!" Liam yelled, nobody listened to either one of us. Just as Bentley was about to throw food again he slipped and fell on his arm.

"Bentley!" I yelled rushing over to him, he was crying and holding his arm tightly.

"I think I broke it." He whimpered. Oh god Camber and Calum are going to kill me. I picked up Bentley and grabbed my keys to go to the hospital. Luke came along with me sitting in the back holding Bentley in his arms. He cleaned Bentley up before we got there.

We got to the hospital while Bentley got an x-ray of his arm. We waited for awhile until the doctor came in and showed us his x-ray.

"So it's broken fellas, we're going to put him in a cast." I nodded as they wrapped Bentley's arm and put the cast on, he wanted blue and that's what he got.

"Alright let's go home Ben." Luke said as he picked him up and walked out of the room. I payed for everything as we drove back home.

"Calum and Cam are going to kill us." I said.

We arrived back at the house where the boys were waiting inside. All heads turned to Bentley who ran into the house and sat with Louis.

"Look I got a blue one." Bentley smiled as he showed off his cast. I couldn't help but feel guilty, it was my fault he broke his arm.

"I feel awful Ash, this was my fault I started it." Louis said, basically it was all of our faults. Everyone threw food and I didn't stop them.

"We are all at fault here guys." Liam said taking a seat next to Niall. We stuck in a movie for Bentley to watch and hopefully he will get tired and sleep. Even though there is 8 of us here Bentley can be a handful.

"I want to watch Astro Boy!" Bentley started to whine, I really don't want to raise my voice at him he's only a kid.

"Bentley where is Astro Boy?" I asked trying to calm him down so he can nap at least.

"Auntie Ave's house." He pouted.

"Well we have to watch something here buddy." Niall tried to help but it really didn't since Bentley was arguing.

"I want Astro Boy!" He cried out as he brought up the water works and started to cry. Luke couldn't take him crying so he picked him up and Bentley stated to cry into Luke's shirt.

"Let me make a deal with you Benny, you watch a movie here and the next time I'm out and about we can go get you your own Astro Boy movie? Okay?" I never understood how Luke was so great with kids, but Bentley nodded and sat back in Louis lap.

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