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7 k ! you guys what, i love you all for real !

i will never stop being a child !!

whoo im lame guys, l o l ...

enjoy this double update.

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Chapter thirty-three

I hardly slept last night, I was only thinking of every possible thing Luke could be mad at me for. I mean I've been asleep for about a month and a half, what could I have possibly done. A knock on the door made me groan, I have to get up and get that since no one else is up. Struggling to get into my wheel chair I finally sat down and rolled to the door. Opening it I saw a girl with red hair and one of our sweatshirt.

"Um, who are you?" I asked her, she smiled widely at me but walked in. What the hell?

"I'm Rosie, Michael's girlfriend," she said, my jaw dropped. Michael, has a girlfriend? Since when. "But Luke called and said he needed to talk so here I am." She grinned. I pointed to the stairs and she nodded heading up to see Luke.

Unbelievable, he'll talk to anyone else about what's bothering him but not me, clearly it's about me and I'm still confused on what I did. Sighing I wheeled into the kitchen and got some orange juice from the fridge. I was reaching for a glass but realized I couldn't really get it without hurting myself. Putting the orange juice back I grabbed one of Bentley's juice boxes.

Turning on the tv nothing good was on so I watched the movie Bentley got me, which is now my favorite, The Lego Movie. I'm such a child because I'm laughing at almost everything. It hurts to laugh but I'll deal with pain for this movie.

After about twenty minutes the boys started to wake up and come out of their rooms. Ashton went to the kitchen to get something to eat then sat next to me. Michael soon followed after Ashton sitting on the other side of me.

"So Michael," I grinned at him, "You have a girlfriend?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He blushed and nodded.

"Yeah I do," he gushed, "Her names Rosie." He said.

"Yeah, I know." I said, he gave me a confused look and scratched his head.

"You know? How?" He asked.

"She came over not too long ago," I answered him, "Said Luke needed to talk to her so she's up there now talking to him." I saw Michael tense up, closing his eyes he took a deep breath.

"I'm going to kill him." Michael mumbled under his breath. I gave Ashton a look which he returned. I was worried about Luke and I'm upset he won't talk to us but he'll talk to Michael's girlfriend, maybe he'll even talk to Camber.

"This isn't like him," Ashton sighed as he took another bite of his apple, "He asked Rosie to talk to him, maybe he's got a girl problem." Ashton shrugged. Michael spit out his water.

"He likes somebody!" Michael shouted getting all happy. So that's what's bothering him, a girl.

"But who, we have to find out who." I said getting excited too. Luke will finally get the girl he's been looking for, he deserves her whoever she is.

A little while later Luke came downstairs with Bentley in his arms and Rosie following behind him. Michael waved to Rosie who blushed in response, but waved back.

"Luke, you okay?" I asked, he nodded and brought Bentley into the kitchen.

"Hey Rosie," Michael whispered, "What did Luke want to talk about?" He asked. Rosie gave him a look and slumped her shoulders.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now