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sorry if this chapter is crappy :( but i couldn't think really of what should happen so it gets kinda awkward and then normal a little bit. but i wrote this when i was half asleep so it's unedited and it will be fixed xx

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Chapter eleven

The cops came into the ice cream shop and pulled John and Calum off of me. All the boys stood up about to explain everything.

"What's going on in here?" A cop asked me.

"A misunderstanding sir, I promise-" as I was explaining John cut me off.

"That boy abused my daughter!" John yelled. I saw Calum's jaw tighten at what John just said, if he would just let it go it happened years ago, he doesn't understand that I love Calum.

"I bullied her in high school I confess that but I haven't laid a hand on her since we've been talking. I swear I'd never harm her or my son, he's trying to keep them away from me." Calum said to the police officer.

"I'm keeping them safe!" John yelled at Calum.

"Bentley needs his father!" Calum argued back. They started to bicker back and fourth, John to Calum and the boys trying to defend him.

"Enough!" I shouted, everyone turned their heads towards me shocked that I raised my voice at all of them. "Stop fighting, just stop. You guys are causing a scene that shouldn't have happened. Officers I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, nothing is wrong here sorry to wast your time." I said, the officers nodded and left the scene. I turned to John and I wasn't happy with him and he wasn't happy with me either.

"Camber i just wanted to keep you safe." John spoke in a sad tone.

"I know John, but I'm not a little girl anymore I'm 18 years old, I'm an adult now and I make my own choices. You may not like them but they are my decisions." I was tired if arguing and acting like a teenager, I'm an adult and it's time I start acting like one.

"Camber-" I cut him off.

"I'm sorry John. Bentley let's go back to aunt Avery's and get our stuff." I said to Bentley who nodded.

"Your stuff?" John questioned.

"Yes, I'm going back with Calum." I walked passed him and started to walk to the car that Calum was in. Once everyone got to the car we started our drive to Avery's.

I got all of our stuff packed and got back into the car to go back to the boys house. Once we got there I couldn't help but smiled as I walked into the house.

"Home sweet home." Luke said from behind me as he picked up Bentley and ran to the game room.

I brought our stuff back to our old room and headed back down the stairs where all the boys were sitting on the sofa apart from Luke who was with Bentley.

"Where's little man?" Niall asked as he looked around for Bentley.

"Luke has him." I chuckled, Niall sighed as he flopped onto the couch.

"He's a child hogger." Niall groaned crossing his arms over his chest as he pouted.

"Let's play guess that movie or whatever you people call it." Harry suggested.

"Charades." We all said in unison, Harry shrugged it off and we started to play. Liam was up and he started to dance around like an idiot, I couldn't tell what he was trying to imitate but Harry got it right off the bat.

"You're trying to be Niall doing his little irish dance!" Harry shouted, Liam nodded and it was now Harry's turn to play out something. Harry stuffed pillows into his shirt where his chest area was and started to act all crazy. It took everyone awhile to figure it out but then it hit me.

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