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6k ! i love you all xxxx

i can't stop listening to english love affair x

enjoy the chappy

l u k e .. e i g h t e e n ... h a h a - n o !

• • • • •

Chapter thirty-two

// Camber //

"You owe me food from last night." Niall said to Michael, the two have been arguing since eleven this morning.

"I most certainly do not, you dropped your food." Michael said back at Niall.

"You threw it out the window! Who does that?" Niall yelled in frustration.

"I do, now shut up about it, it's done." Michael said as he took a bite of his sandwich. Niall snatched the sandwich from Michael and threw it out the window. Michael's jaw dropped.

"Now, we are even." Niall smirked, walking away from Michael. Michael ran after Niall and tackled him to the floor. The both of then fighting. Liam and Ashton came out pulling them off each other.

"What is it this time you two?" Ashton asked.

"He threw my sandwich out the window!" Michael yelled.

"You threw my Nandos out the window! I hold grudges," Niall crossed his arms, "When it comes to food." He huffed.

"Niall." Liam scolded.

"He punched me in the face too." Niall complained.

"I did not, your face ran into my fist." Michael defended as he turned the other way not facing Niall. The rest of the boys came in the room, Harry arguing with Luke and Louis arguing with Zayn.

"Luke you're such a baby, I didn't even hit you that hard!" Harry yelled at Luke who was walking away.

"Shut up Harry, you're just jealous!" Luke snapped. Oh boy..

"Me, jealous," Harry chuckled harshly, "Of what Luke?" Harry questioned.

"Me." Luke grinned.

Harry laughed bitterly, "I don't want to be you," he said rudely, "Drug addict." He mumbled, now walking away.

"What was that, Styles?" Luke snapped.

"You heard me!" Harry snapped back. Luke had his hand balled up in a fist, heading over to Harry he punched him in the jaw sending him to the ground. The two of them going at it.

"Get off me Luke!" Harry yelled.

"Take it back!" Luke demanded.

"Get off!" They started to wrestle with each other, punching and arguing.

"Harry!" Liam yelled.

"Luke, knock it off." Ashton said as they let go of Michael and Niall rushing over to the two boys who where punching each other.

"Got you Zayn!" Louis laughed as he ran into the living room.

Zayn ran in chasing Louis, "I'm going to kill you." Zayn raged as he tackled Louis to the floor. The two of them wrestling and not punching.

Bentley came downstairs and stopped, sitting at the bottom step he held his ears and went into a fetal position. It was a big circle of arguing, everyone going at it back and fourth. All this arguing wasn't healthy for Bentley to be around, we had just stopped but now it all started back up again.

"STOP!" I yelled. Everyone turned to face me, shocked. "Do you even see yourselves? All you guys do now a days is argue, you're suppose to be best friends, arguing all the time doesn't help with anything, you just make it worse." I sighed running my fingers through my hair. "You're scaring Bentley you guys, please stop." I pleaded.

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