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sorry about moving calum and camber's relationship so fast.

oh my freaking gosh!! 1k reads!! thank you all sooooo much for reading this it just- i can't even explain how happy i am right now! like i want to cry and jump around, that's how happy i am.

and your guys comments make my day, i always re read them :)

enjoy this chapter :)

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Chapter eighteen

// Camber //

I was nervous about this whole meeting with management, I mean what if something does go wrong? But I shouldn't be thinking negatively, I need to look at the positives in this situation. The boys where here to watch Bentley while Calum and I spoke to management.

"-and be sure to watch him every second, make sure he's alright, he has Advil for his arm if it starts to hurt, and-" Calum kept rambling on about what the boys needed to do to watch him, he's stressing out more then me.

"Calum, buddy relax, he'll be fine with us." Louis reassured him, I looked at Liam who nodded knowing that he would be responsible and take care of all the boys.

"Okay, I'm sorry it's just- this whole meeting thing is making me stressed." Calum sighed running his fingers through his hair. I went up behind him and hugged him, rubbing his back so he'd calm down.

"We'll be okay Calum." I whispered to him. He tensed up but relaxed in my hold, I knew he was worried something would go wrong, but we need to just stick together to prevent something bad happening.

"Let's go, the boys are waiting for us." Calum said grabbing his keys as he laced our fingers together. "Bye guys, please take care of our son." Calum called behind him before he shut the door.

"We will!" Liam shouted before the door shut completely.

We walked to the car, getting in while Calum started it up. Gripping the wheel I saw Calum breath in and out as he squeezed my hand tightly.

"Everything going to be alright, Cam." He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb, he brought my hand up to his mouth leaving small kisses on it.

We arrived at the house practically barging in- well Calum ran into the door thinking it was unlocked when it wasn't- unlocking the door, we saw the three boys sitting on the sofa shaking their legs while they ran their fingers through their hair.

"Finally, you two showed up." Ashton said, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Sit down, David will be here any min-" Michael started to say but the door opening interrupted him.

"Boys." A man in a suite said. His hair was nicely done, and he carried a briefcase.

"David.." Calum mumbled. The man who Calum claimed was David, sat down and stared at me, I saw Calum glare at him and he looked away.

"What's this about David?" Luke questioned. David gave him a look before explaining.

"It's about Calum and that girl." David said pointing at me. Calum gripped my hand tightly and I knew he was upset David called me 'that girl'.

"That girl has a name and it's Camber." Calum snapped at him. David only grinned, he's only trying to push Calum's buttons. I rubbed the back of his hand so he calmed down, he did, relaxing his hand.

"Okay, Camber, do you know how much trouble you've caused?" He asked putting the blame all on me. I didn't know what to say, I honestly did nothing.

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