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Chapter six

I woke up from my nap and looked over at the clock. My eyes went wide once I saw the time.

"Shit." It was 7 and I've yet to get ready. I rushed into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I stepped out as I wrapped a towel around me. I grabbed the bag Calum told me to wait for and opened it. It was a caribbean blue dress, looked short and tight, but gorgeous. I slipped it on and examined myself in the bathroom mirror. I started to apply make up and straighten my hair. Once finished I threw on my heals and did one last glance at myself in the mirror before heading out the door.

"Mommy, you look very pretty." A little voice said behind me. I turned to see Bentley, his hair was all over the place but he was still adorable.

"Thank you Ben, I'll be gone with Calum for the night but I'll be back, promise." I said giving him a kiss on the forehead, before I walked down the stairs Bentley grabbed my leg.

"Be carful mommy." He gave me a worried look. I got on my knees so I was eye level with him.

"Bentley baby, I'll be alright-"

"Promise." He cut me off. He held up his pinky to do the traditional pinky swear. I wrapped my pinky around his.

"Promise." I gave him one last kiss before going down the stairs.

"If he hurts you I'm here for you mommy." He sweetly cooed from the top of the steps. My son is the sweetest little guy.

I finally made my way downstairs to see Calum dressed nicely probably waiting for me. He pulled out a single rose and handed it to me. I felt my cheeks flush, the heat making it's way up to my cheeks. I thanked him before he escorted me out the door.

"You look beautiful tonight, like you always do." He smiled at me. I couldn't get the words I wanted to out so I just smiled. We got into the car and started our drive to the nice place we were going to.

// Calum //

Oh my gosh, Camber looks so perfect tonight, words can't describe how beautiful she looks. I always look over at her and smile, but then she'd catch me so I'd start to blush. I don't know how she made me feel this way but I kinda like it. The way my heart skips a beat when I hear her voice, her touch sends shivers down my back, and her laugh, I could listen to that for years and it'd never get old.

"We're here." I told her as I parked the car outside of Louis', she gave me a weird look.

"Calum, why are we at a house?" She asked. I helped her out of the car as we walked up the steps to the house. I stopped her so I could explain.

"Uh, my friend Louis, he's letting me use it tonight and got a chief to cook our food and everything. I just wanted to be alone with you without being noticed by fans, just you and I-"

"And me!" A voice I knew too well interrupted me. I turned to see him with the biggest grin on his face.

"Lou? What are you-"

"The names Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson, and I'll be your sassy yet charming waiter tonight," he smirked as he fixed his little bow tie, "right this way." He opened the door and led us into the dining room.

"Here." I said as I pulled out Cam's chair and pushed her in. I took my seat and then a loud crash was heard.

"Excusez-moi." Louis chuckled before heading to the kitchen. I turned to Cam who started to blush.

"Do you like it, all of this?" I asked a bit nervously. She nodded.

"I love it." She said. We aren't really talking as much as I thought we would. Maybe this is awkward for her?

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