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yo ! what the freak, 2k reads?!

thank you all so much i love each and everyone of you xxxxx

sorry not the fourth anymore but still

happy fourth !

ive never written smut before so, this is me attempting, sorry if it's terrible .-.

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Chapter twenty-four

Pinning Camber down onto the couch I began to kiss her neck once more, only this time it was different. All the little things we do before we have sex, it's different. She moaned once I reached her sweat spot, sucking down on her delicate skin. She took a deep breath trying to hold back another moan soon to escape the back of her throat. Opening her legs up I situated myself so her and myself were a bit more comfortable. Leaving a trail of kisses from her chest down to the hem of her black laced panties.

I kept kissing the laced line of her panties, just to tease her, call me a little shit for doing so. She moaned a little louder causing me to clap my hand around her mouth.

"Baby shh, don't wake up the boys." I hushed her, continuing to leave a trail of kisses down the inside of her legs. She groaned, tugging at my hair. I finally took my pants off and kept my boxers on, for now. I wrapped my arm around her neck so I was a little more comfortable, letting my hand trail all over her body. Just to tease her even further I started to grind against her, this time she pulled my hair.

"Stop, teasing me." She said breathlessly. I brought my lips to hers, the kiss hungry and fast paced. Slipping my hands through her panties I took them off, leaving her in only a bra. She did the same thing to me, slipping her hands into my boxers and taking them off me.

"And this can come off too." I smirked at her as I unhooked her bra. This was it, it was really happening, only this time I'm going to do it right.

Kissing her pink lips, I slowly entered her, thrusting in and out. Arching her back she groaned in frustration, unable to grab my hair since I'm pinning her arms down. She moaned loudly but bit down on her bottom lip trying so hard to hold it in.

"I'm not hurting you am I?" I asked, I didn't want to harm her at all, I wanted this right.

"No," she panted, "It feels great." She breathed out, trying to squirm out of my grasp. My strength over powered hers, leaving her still pinned to the couch.

I picked up the pace, having her gasp for air. I let her wrist go, gripping onto the sofa and bitting the inside of her cheek. She moaned my name and I couldn't help but get turned on by that. I lowered myself down so we were closer, our lips connecting as they moved in perfect sync. Gripping my back she started to drag her nails down my back. Hissing in pain I got over it quick, pressing my lips against her once more.

"Calum, I think-" she started but I didn't need her to finish her sentence. I knew what she was going to say.

"Me too." I spoke. I laid on top of her for a few minutes before laying beside her. "Let's go upstairs." I said, wrapping a blanket around us and picking up our clothes we headed upstairs. Laying her down in my bed I slipped in next to her just throwing our clothes on the floor.

"That was amazing." She smiled up at me, pecking my lips and turning so her back was to me. I wrapped my arm around her bare waist, snuggling up next to her.

"Love you, baby." I said kissing her cheek, before we both fell asleep.


I woke up next to a sleeping Camber, carefully getting up I grabbed a pair if sweatpants and went downstairs. In the kitchen stood Ashton playing on his phone while Michael roamed the fridge, Luke was on the couch watching something with Bentley.

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