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Chapter forty

Now that Camber is talking maybe Bentley will start to talk, or Camber could help me out with getting him to talk.

"Bentley, talk to me, what's wrong baby?" Camber asked him. He just sat there and stared at the both of us. It was only Camber and I in the room so if he did want to talk no one else would hear him.

"Are you scared to talk again?" I asked him, he looked over at me and nodded. Since he hasn't talked in so long he was afraid to try again, that's why he won't say anything.

"Ben, there's nothing to be afraid of you can talk to mommy or daddy, you know that right?" She said to him, and he nodded, "Then talk to us baby, it's okay." He just gave us a sad look and kept his gaze at the ground.

"Ben, it's just us there's nothing to be scared of." I told him as I sat on the end of the bed staring at him.

"Baby please talk to us." Camber begged him, but no matter what we did to try to get him to talk he wouldn't.

I finally just left the room so Camber could try to get him to talk, I just feel like everything is my fault and it usually is. I just have that feeling that Bentley not talking is my fault, it probably is.

"Hey how'd it go? Did he talk?" Michael asked, I shook my head no.

"Nope, he's afraid to." I said running my fingers through my messy hair.

"What do you mean he's afraid to?" He asked.

"I mean since he hasn't talked in so long he's afraid to try to talk again." I explained.

"Oh." Was all Michael could say. I went and sprawled out on the couch rubbing my head. Bentley not talking is actually stressing me out. Groaning I put a pillow over my face and just laid there.

I wish Bentley would just talk to us, say something, anything. I missed listening to him talk, I forget what he sounds like. I just don't want him to go mute for the rest of his life, then he'll never talk again.

"Calum, you okay?" Startled I fell off the couch and groaned rubbing my side. Looking up I saw Ashton looking down at me.

"No I'm not okay, Ben still isn't talking and I'm stressing out over it." I said getting back up and sitting on the couch. Ashton wrapped his arm around my shoulder and messed up my hair.

"Calum he'll come back around, you just have to give him time." Ashton said, like I haven't been doing that already?

"Ashton I did give him time, I don't want him to go mute and never talk again."

"Calum, he'll talk again, I know he will just trust me on this okay." Ashton said, I nodded. He patted my back and headed into the kitchen.

"Calum!" I heard Camber yell, rushing up the stairs I barged into the room.

"What is it? What happened?" I asked her, she kept holding her stomach and doubling over in pain.

"The baby-"

"Is the baby coming, n- now?" I asked in a panic.

"I- I think so.." She said.

"I thought it wasn't until two or three more weeks."

"Guess goose wants to come early." She said.

"Shit." I said, grabbing a bag I threw a change of clothes in for Camber, Bentley and I just in case. Picking up Bentley I helped Camber down the stairs.

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