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crying so hard cause of taylor caniff

Chapter forty-nine


"Guys help me plan this night with Camber, please it has to be perfect." I said running my fingers through my messy hair. Camber and the kids were upstairs asleep since we woke up so early. Michael walked over and wrapped his arm around my a shoulders.

"Calum, we'd all love to help you." Michael smiled as he messed up my hair even more. I got out of his hold and fixed it the best that I could.

"I also need Rosie to keep Camber busy so she doesn't find out what I'm planing." I told Michael, he nodded taking out his phone to call Rosie.

"What do you want the rest of us to do?" Ashton asked standing up from the couch. I thought about what he could do but I hadn't planed much yet.

"I just need help planing, I want it to be romantic and perfect." I sighed, I was stressed out about this, I thought I had it all planed out but then again I didn't actually plan it. "I want it at a park or something, like a picnic." I said.

"I know the most romantic place." Louis said, I looked at him and smiled.

"Where at?" I asked desperately. Michael put his hands on my shoulder and pushed me down into a chair.

"Relax Calum, tonight will be perfect, just breath man." Michael said, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I was so stressed I was nervous this whole night will be messed up.

"Leave it all to me Calum, I'll have Niall and Zayn help me." Louis said grinning. Niall stuck his head out of the fridge with a slice of pizza in his mouth while he held a bag of chips and a Pepsi.

"Hmm?" He mumbled giving Louis a look. Louis face palmed himself and sighed.

"Niall take that food out of your mouth and come with me." Louis said rushing towards the door, he smacked Zayn lightly on his chest causing him to jump, "Let's go pretty boy." Louis grinned, ruffling Zayn's hair. Zayn groaned, getting up and walking out the door.

"Wait for me!" Niall whined still holding the piece of pizza in his hand as he ran after Louis and Zayn.

"Alright I'll make the food," Harry said puffing out his chest, "Ashton I'll need your help." Ashton nodded and went into the kitchen with Harry. They were looking at recipes and taking out the ones that sounded the best.

"Are you going to dress nicely?" Ashton asked me, I looked at him like he was crazy. Of course I would be dressing nicely, not in a suit and tie but I'll look nice.

"Of course I'm wearing something nice." I crossed my arms and scoffed.

"What about her, does she need something nice?" Michael asked wiggling his eyebrows. I shoved him lightly but nodded.

"You think Rosie could take her dress shopping, kill time by shopping and have her get ready at her house?" I asked, I took my wallet out of my back pocket counting out some money, "Give this to Rosie." I said handing it to Michael. It was a good amount that should pay for a entire nice outfit and a little extra if something's too much.

"Guys I'm here, I'm here." Rosie said rushing in trying to put her left shoe on while hopping over to us.

"This is for you, buy Camber a pretty dress, shoes, and whatever else you girls wear." Michael chuckled before handing the money to Rosie.

"You can count on me Calum." Rosie said before bolting up the stairs to get Camber. I was about to tell her not to but then I thought about how long girls take getting things and getting dressed, it's better she woke her up now verses later on.

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