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hitting you with a double update ayyye

sorry it's short :(

this is just a short extra, ill explain at the end why i added this

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Chapter twenty-three

// Calum //

I was here on the couch laying with Camber, singing amnesia to her. Bentley was upstairs asleep in Luke's room. Camber stirred a little in her sleep while I sang, opening her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" I asked, tears fell from her eyes as she looked at me.

"Nothing," she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, "It's just that song." She said.

"What about it?" I asked, "Oh no, was my singing off, I sounded like a walrus didn't I?" I joked, she laughed but shook her head.

"No, you sounded great, very soothing," she smiled. "It's just, that song reminds me of my- my mother." She whimpered. I brought her closer to me and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay to miss her Cam, let it out if you need to, I'm right here for you, baby." After those word left my mouth Camber started to cry her eyes out. Her cheeks becoming puffy, her eyes bloodshot red, sobbing into my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair and rubbed her back.

"I miss her," she choked, "So much." I only comforted her, rubbing her back to sooth her and calm her down.

"I'm sorry, I'm here for you, always." I whispered to her. She wiped her eyes and leaned in giving me a kiss, a meaningful and passionate kiss. Cupping her cheeks I depended the kiss, slipping my tongue into her mouth. Our lips moving in perfect sync as they worked together. Pulling away I smushed our foreheads together giving her a kiss on the nose.

"I love you." she breathed out, tugging on the collar of my shirt.

"I love you too baby." I said back, connecting our lips once again. Falling back so Camber was on top straddling my waist. Deepening the kiss as I trailed my hands up and down her sides.

I started to leave short kisses on her neck, causing her to moan. Her fingers tangling in my hair tugging at the ends of it, moaning she tilted her head back for me to have more access. She took me by surprise and started to kiss my jawline, shivering from her touch I leaned my head back in enjoyment. Sucking down on my skin I hissed since it hurt but then I settled down and started to enjoy it. She kissed my new mark slowing bring her lips back to mine. She started to yank at the hem of my shirt, he pulled it up half way, me stopping her before she did anything further.

"I want, to do this." She said against my lips. I never thought it'd happen again.

"Are you sure?" I asked, she nodded her head, taking my shirt off. Our tongues battling for dominance.

Slowly lifting her shirt up I took that off.

"Let's do this," I whispered, leaning in as I slipped my hands into her jeans. "The right way."


ohhhhh that happened, again very short i know,

but the reason i wrote this is because i lost a family member on the fourth of july. a very sad time for me right now, and writing this made me think about the one i lost,

my great grandma.

so relating to camber in the matter, but at the end i wanted to make it exciting.

the next chapter will explain a lot more soooo enjoy it when i update it :)

thanks for reading, not sure but this book may be coming to an end soon, not sure might go to thirty chapters not sure yet.

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i love you all, stay lovely xx

Nicole xx

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