~Chapter 1~

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David POV
I groaned as I heard my alarm go off. Then I slammed my hand down on the annoying device causing is to turn off as I got out the bed then checked my phone.

*Reminder- BGT starts*
As I read the alert on my phone I excitedly hopped out of bed as I realized that I could finally see her again one of the most beautiful woman in the world. I got ready to take a hot shower and the usual morning routine. I then put on my suit and checked the time it's was 7:45am. I walked down stairs greeted by my dog Bert as I poured some dog food into his bowl.

I cooked myself some scrambled eggs and toast. As I was finishing up eating I texted everyone in the BGT groupchat

D=David S=Simon AM=Amanda AL=Alesha A=Ant DE=Dec

D~ Morning guys and gals can't wait to see you all I missed all of you

S~ Morning every one

AM~Morning darlings can't wait to see you all too


DE~ Heya

Everyone replied except Alesha I wonder why as I went back to clean up I heard my phone ping from a new message in the group chat It's was Alesha. She said she was gonna be a little late, She was never late. I raised my eyebrow at the text then I called Amanda.

Am~"Hey David whats up"

D~ "Hey Amanda have you heard from Alesha it's not like her to say she's gonna be a bit late"

Am~"No I haven't heard from her since last week David why?"

D~ "No reason just a bit concerned"

Am~"Uhhh huuu you love her don't you." she said in a childish tone.

D~ "W-WHAT" I said as I felt my face get warm. I then heard a squeal on the other side of the phone


I stuttered trying to stop her from continuing the stupid childish song.

D~ "Amanda shhhhhhhh"

Am~"Oh alright I have to go David I have to finish getting ready."

D~ "Alright I'll see you later and tell the girls I said hi"

Am~ "Ok Bye-Bye"

D~ "Bye"

I hung up the phone and went to my car putting Bert in his kennel behind me to take him to doggy daycare. I put my head down on the steering wheel and let out a long sigh. Why can't I tell her how I feel.

*Alesha POV*
I woke up at 7am with bruises and hickeys all over my body and a black eye from last night.

It was almost becoming routine like the hurtful things said and done to me. I silently got up and walked to the bathroom softly crying not loud enough for my oh so lovely husband to hear. Turning on the shower water and stepping in I hissed at the pain of the water hitting the large cut on my side and scattered bruises.

After cleaning myself I got out the shower and cleaned up the cuts and bruises and covering the hickeys on my neck with makeup and sunglasses getting dressed. I slipped on my Valentino black and red collar dress and some silver and red heels. Checking my phone I replied to everyone in the group chat. I stared at Michael as he slept in the bed in only his boxers almost looking peaceful. After writing a note letting himknow I was going to the audtions I walked down stairs and grabbed my handbag with my keys and walked out the door to my Mercedes-Benz.

*Third POV*

As all the other judges arrived they waited for Alesha the auditions starts at 8:30am it's 8:20am David and Amanda exchanges worried looks until Alesha finally arrives.

"OH MY GOD ALESHA!!" Amanda said and ran up to her and hugged her. David did the same and so does Simon. "Sorry I'm late traffic was terrible and I couldn't find my keys." Alesha lied putting on a fake smile then posing for pictures and signing autographs.

After they all went inside Amanda pulled Alesha aside into her dressing room after Alesha's hairstylists slipped her hair into a slick ponytail.

"Wifey what happened why were you late and why are you wearing sunglasses that dark. The sun isn't even shining out today." She asked her reaching for the shades but Alesha swerved the movement. "I told you it's was traffic and it's just really bright in here especially with the camera's flashes." Alesha said holding her stiff composure.

"Alesha Anjanette Dixon cut the crap I know you and that smile was not real out there was it Michael again." Amanda asked softly. Alesha bit her lip then nodded softly. Catching Alesha off guard Amanda hurriedly snatched the sunglasses off of her face and I noticed there was a bit more makeup around the eye area of her face. She touched it earning a small wince of pain from Alesha.

"Did he do this to you?" She said trying to keep her cool. Alesha sighed in defeat and started tearing up. "Yes Mandy l-last night w-was t-t-terrible" She broke down as the blonde embraced her in a warm hug and tried to calm her down. They heard a knock at the door and Amanda shouted "Who is it?" A crew member replied that they were on in 5 minutes.

She sighed and helped Alesha stand up. "It's ok sweetie come on let's get you ready ok." she said in a soft sympathetic voice all she did was nod. Amanda then got a tissue and wiped away her tears.

Beautiful Love ~Dalesha (David Walliams x Alesha Dixon)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now