~Chapter 15~

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*Author's POV*

David yelled Alesha's name and ran up to the top of the stairs with Beverly and Leyanne behind him. "Alesha babe please wake up." he shook her rapidly then went down got a glass of ice water while Leyanne called 999. He went back up and pour the water on Alesha looking like a mad man but she didn't wake up. "What did you do that for?!" Beverly shouted looking at David as if he was crazy.

"Long story short she told me it works on certain people and I witnessed it! But right now it seems as if shes not that type!" David said back with a panicked tone. "Calm down David 999 said they're on the way. They also said make sure she's still breathing and check her pulse." David nodded and checked her pulse which was fine but when he checked her breathing which was uneven.

David then panicked and picked Alesha up and raced down the stairs and lied her on the couch. He held Alesha's hand  and knelt down beside her body as he tried to hold back the tears but failed. After 5 minutes the EMS finally arrives they put Alesha on the stretcher and put her inside of the ambulance. Leyanne, David, and Beverly got into her car David in the back Leyanne was driving and Beverly was in the passenger seat.

~Time skip to the when they get  to the hospital~

After they arrived at the hospital they rushed Alesha into the ER leaving her mom, sister, and David in the waiting room. David called Amanda and Simon and explained everything to them. After 45 minutes Simanda arrived in a panic. "David what happened what's wrong with 'Lesha is she alright." Simon asked while holding a crying Amanda in his arms. "I don't know I haven't been told what the issue was she just passed out after we had dinner at her mum's." he said calming down himself to keep from crying. They all went to go sit down with Leyanne to comfort Bevrely

After an hour the doctor with tan skin brown shoulder length hair with a bit of stubble and brown eyes came out with a name tag that said Eli Ferguson and pulled David aside."Is she OK?" David asked panicked. "Yes sir she is ok but she is now going through an appendectomy it seems as her appendix was swollen." The doctor said getting a relieved sigh from David."Sir she'll be out of surgery in 2 hours I suppose you go ahead and tell the rest of her visitors." "Ok and Thank you so much." David said before turning to walk back to everyone else to tell them what the doctor said.

~2 1/1 hours later~

Dr.Ferguson came down the hall and told everyone they could see Alesha. All 5 of the adults went into her room.

*David POV*
We all entered Alesha's room and gathered around the bed. I stood beside the hospital bed and touched her hand gently. She was hooked up to a machine that monitored her her heartbeat and had an Iv in her arm hooked up to a drip. She looked pale and had small bags under her eyes and extremely messy hair she still looked beautiful as she slept under the influence of the medication she was on.

She started to stir in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open as she groaned. "Ugh where am I?" She said while squinting her eyes. "You're in the hospital  the doctor said your appendix had bursted and if the EMS didn't get you here when they did you wouldn't have had made it." I quietly said while holding her hand. She still looked confused while looking around the room pulling a face causing everyone to let out little snickering noises until realization finally hit her.
"You really scared me 'Lesha not only me also everyone else I could've lost you. Why didn't you tell me you were having sharp pains?" I said while tracing my thumb over the back of her hand and everyone nodded. "Sorry everyone I didn't think it was that serious. I just thought it was normal cramps." She said while looking down a bit.

"It's not your fault wifey you didn't know." Amanda said.

"Yeah. It wasn't your fault it just happens." Simon added in.

Just as I was about to speak I was interrupted by a knock and Doctor Ferguson entered with his clipboard.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything at the moment I am Dr.Eli Ferguson have some great news Alesha will be able to check out the day after tomorrow but she won't be able to work for a week or two she might experience some nausea and some headaches if she has an upset stomach while eating regulars foods she can eat bland foods or foods high in vitamins or proteins like yogurt or bread or even rice. Another thing she won't be allowed to take oral contraceptives because if you mix it with the pain relief medication it could cause seizures, high blood pressure, and heart strokes." He said not looking up from his clip board one time. "Any questions also I think one of you might want to stay and keep her company." He added with a small smirk but but I chose not to pay attention to it.

I caught a quick glance at Alesha she seemed deep in thought.

*Alesha POV*
Despite the feeling on pain in my lower left abdomen I enjoyed having everyone around. Amanda has already met my mum,sister and 3 of my brothers. We were all deep in conversation the doctor came in and said his name was Eli Ferguson. I've heard that name before but where. I was so deep in thought until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over to see it was David.

*Third POV*
Alesha and David exchanged quick looks to each other as if he was asking her is she ok. She quickly looked over  towards the doctor that was standing at the edge of the bed and back. "Now are there any questions." Eli said while looking up from his clipboard. "Yeah is Eli short for Elijah? I was just wondering." Alesha asked while furrowing and raising her brows.

"Ahh yes it is I just prefer to go by Eli."

"Ahh ok." She replied.

So after Dr.Ferguson left the room everyone realized that it was getting late so Simanda said their farewells. So it was just Leyanne,Beverly,and David. Then they decided that Alesha shouldn't be left alone at the hospital and all agreed on David spending the night with her.

~1 Hour later because I'm lazy as hell~
So Beverly and Leyanne left and promised to be in tomorrow as it was quite late.

"I can't believe all that has happened today. We went from having breakfast in a nice restaurant to visiting your mum and sister and now inside of a hospital." David said while sitting on the small olive colored sofa in the room. "I know it has just been absolutely crazy. Just to think about it that so much can happen in 1 day. Also that Dr.Ferguson I feel like I've heard that name before. I just can't put my finger on it." She replied before yawning. "I noticed you were staring off I guess that's what you were thinking about but right now you need rest. And don't you deny it because you just yawned and you haven't gotten much sleep." David said getting up and walking over towards the bed. "Now not another word you must sleep." He said after planting a a soft kiss onto her lips. It wasn't long before she fell asleep and David fell asleep on the sofa.

Ahhh this took forever due to writers block and I know this is sloppy and all over the place. I just felt so guilty for not updating so I'm planning on writing more. But how do you think Alesha knows Elijah and what do you think will happen next?
Remember stay AWESOME you AWESOME people 👋Bye-bye👋❤️

 But how do you think Alesha knows Elijah and what do you think will happen next?Remember stay AWESOME you AWESOME people 👋Bye-bye👋❤️

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Beautiful Love ~Dalesha (David Walliams x Alesha Dixon)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now