~Chapter 2~

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*During The auditions*

*David POV*

I cringed at the sound of a buzzer as it tore through the sound of the music. Alesha had buzzed again, and this act was actually decent. She had been in a mood since she arrived late. The act ended and everyone said yes except for Alesha she shook her head and scribbled something down onto her paper.

"What is up with you today? You're buzzing more than Mr.Grumpy pants down there."I asked getting an eye roll from Simon.

"Nothing. Had a rough night." She said furrowing her brows and taking a sip of her water. I stared at her for a bit before turning my attention back to the stage for the next act.

*Third POV*

It was after the auditions and all the judges, Ant,Dec, and Stephen were backstage. "We all should go out for dinner tonight to celebrate the first week of auditions" said Stephen happily.
"Ok but not with you" joked Ant.
"What! Why?" Stephen said laughing a bit. "Because you're like the runt of the litter" David added in jokingly while his makeup artist finishes taking his makeup off. ",but I could go for dinner. What do you all think?" He asked. Amanda, Ant, Dec, and Simon agreed. "What about you Alesha you down for dinner?" Simon asked only to see Alesha walking away with her buzzing phone in hand.

*Alesha POV*
I walked away from everyone else and went to my dressing room and answered the phone it was my husband I had two missed calls from him. I sighed as I answered the phone. "Hey Honey sorry I missed y-your calls w-we were still recording" I said a bit shaky.

"Don't honey me! You were supposed to be home an hour ago!" He yelled into the phone making me pull the phone from my ear a bit. "We had to film extra this year for BGMT! It's a lot of acts this year what do you expect!"I said on the verge of crying.

"Listen does it sound like I give two shits about acts. I just want you home and now or else!" he screamed into the phone as he hung up. I threw my phone against the wall and started to break down crying. Screaming to my self "I HATE HIM!! I HATE HIM!! WHY DID I HAVE TO FALL FOR HIM?!" Crying while saying every word I love him but I hate him. I then heard a knock at the door.

*David POV*
I was talking with everyone until I saw Alesha walk away to answer her phone she had a nervous expression that swept across her face. I excuse myself from the conversation and followed Alesha to her dressing room and listened through the door.

I heard someone yelling through her phone and her shaky voice. It sounded like she was about to cry. I then heard a small thud against the wall through the door and then her scream'I hate him' repeatedly. I then knocked on the door.

"Alesha are you ok?" I said a bit of worry in my voice. "I'm fine" she shouted back with a bit of sadness in her voice. "Alesha open the door please." I said my voice raising up a bit as I tried to open it by shaking the door handle."No, I'm okay I'll be out in a bit" she said. I sighed Ok and walked away.

^Five Minutes later^
*Third POV*
Alesha walks out of her dressing room with her shades and a her coat on. "I'm sorry I won't be able back it for dinner tonight something came up." she said in almost a whisper. "What happened? Is everything alright?" Amanda asked. "Yeah just a small issue at home nothing much." she replied. So they exchanged their goodbyes and hugs and Alesha made her way to her car.

* Ten minutes later*

*Alesha POV*
I pulled into the driveway of the house and the lights were all on. I sighed as I turned off the car and got out taking a deep breath in and letting it out. I walked up to the door getting my keys and unlocking it opening the door.

"Mikey i'm home!" I called out placing my keys on the table in the foyer. "Finally! It took you forever." he said from the entertainment room. I rolled my eyes and slipped my coat onto the coat rack.

I made my way to the area he was in and stared at him. He was lazily sitting in the recliner chair with a bottle of vodka in hand. "What are you doing just sitting there staring at me! Are you dumb or something? Go make me something to eat you dumb bitch!" he shouted obviously tipsy from the alcohol. I winced at the tone of his voice as his words hurt me deep down. 'Get up and make yourself something to eat dumbass.' I quietly whispered to myself.

"What did you just say to me?" he said sharply. He stood up and I felt my blood run cold, I took a few steps back and ended up against the wall in a corner.

My mind went blank and I felt a stinging pain on my right cheek. He grabbed my wrists and put them above head and pinned me against the wall. The strong smell of vodka filled my nostrils as he came close to my face. His hot breathe warmed up my face before he smashed his lips onto mine. I tried to fight loose but gave into the kiss. It wasn't like a normal forced kiss from him it was almost soft and passionate.

He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes with a soft look in his. "I'm sorry love." he said sincerely before placing a soft kiss onto my cheek where he had slapped me at. I felt my eyes water with tears. Why do I still love him? Why must he play these games with my heart? One moment he's insufferable but the next he's the sweetest. I walked up the stairs and went to our bedroom and cried and cried eventually crying myself to sleep.

Beautiful Love ~Dalesha (David Walliams x Alesha Dixon)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now