~Chapter 19~

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*Third POV*
"Alesha you have to eat something!"

"I don't wanna it's just gonna come right back up so what's the point!"

It was 3:30pm and David was trying to get Alesha to eat but she was refusing.

"Alesha Anjanette Dixon you have to stop being stubborn and eat at least one spoonful of yogurt." an annoyed David spat.

"No just because you say my full name doesn't make me eat it and I am not stubborn. Plus like I said it's gonna come back up like the rest did." Alesha retorted crossing her arms like a child.

"You are stubborn. Please just a tiny bit I promise it won't come back up. The doctor said you have to eat to keep your energy up."
David pleaded to his stubborn and childish girlfriend.

Alesha kept her stance and shook her head. David then sighed and shook his head. "If you don't eat at least one spoonful I will hold you down and force feed you." He said with a serious tone.

"You wouldn't."


"No, you wouldn't." Alesha said while backing up against the wall.

David stood up and walked closer to her before gently wrapping his arms around her,as not to hurt her, and pulling her close. "David let me go now!" A protesting and wiggling Alesha yelled.

David used his other hand to get the yogurt onto the spoon then moved it towards her mouth. Alesha pursed her lips together and turned her head.
David then used the hand that was wrapped around her waist to tickle her right side knowing she's ticklish there. She tried to stifle her laughter but failed and opened her mouth. The moment her mouth opened he quickly put the spoon into her mouth then put his hand over her mouth to make sure she swallowed.

At this point she realized she had no choice. So she swallowed the blueberry yogurt then glided her wet tongue over the palm of David's hand that was covering her mouth.

David cringed in disgust as he let go of her and held his hand out. "Did you just lick my hand?" Alesha smirked "That's what happens when you try to force feed me yogurt then cover my mouth. I mean I could've died what if I choked on it."

"That's disgusting, and you did not die, throw up, or choke so stop being so dramatic."

"I'm not being dramatic you're the one who went full force to try to make me eat when I don't want to." Alesha argued back and sat down on the couch and caressed her left side gently.

David washed his hands then sat on the couch beside her. "You do realize you ate and it didn't come up you were just being a drama queen ."

Alesha opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
David smugly nodded his head. "I won." He said while smirking. Alesha playfully rolled her eyes.
"At least I could handle being licked." She said.

"Not the first time I've been licked I've been licked In other places by you." David smuttily replied.

Alesha blushed and laughed shaking her head "Oh Shut up."

*David POV*

While she was laughing at what I just said, it came back to me what happened at the hospital. She said she remembers a bit about that Eli guy. How does she know him. I have to find some way how to ask her but not trigger her bad memories.

"Babe I have a question to ask you I've been thinking about it for a bit." I muttered.

"Yeah go ahead and ask."

*Alesha POV*
I turned to look at David so we can see face to face.
"Do you remember anything about that Elijah guy?" I heard him ask. I knew he was gonna ask. I braced  myself before explaining.

*flashback in Alesha's POV*

Michael dragged me out of the apartment by my already sore wrist. He had recently been getting aggressive with me. The beatings started last week, after I got the call to do BGT, and I knew I deserved them. He dragged me to the coffee shop that his friend worked at. "Hey Eli can I have a medium caramel latte with whipped cream at the top and a medium iced rose tea." Michael said with a fake happy tone I tried to pull my wrist away he squeezed it tighter and it hurt the rope burns from last night. I winced at the pain when his friend Elijah turned around. "Let me go." I mumbled my voice was sore from last nights screaming.
"Don't make a scene! You're lucky I even brought your ass out." He growled back.

Eli returned with the drinks but I wasn't thirsty or hungry I just wanted to leave. I used all my strength to muster up a fake smile as Elijah returned with the drinks. Michael took the drinks and we walked out to his red Mercedes.

"Any word or noise then you'll get it you speak when you are spoken too. Do you understand me?" He said in a demanding tone. I nodded quietly.

"I don't understand I need you to speak." He growled. "Yes." I replied. "Yes what?" "Yes sir." I quietly said. "Good girl. Now here drink. I want you to be hydrated." He said shoving the tea towards me. "I-im not thirsty." I mumbled. "I didn't ask if you were thirsty I said DRINK!"

I reluctantly put the straw into my mouth a took a small sip of the tea wincing as it lightly stung going down.

"Good girl." he slyly said before driving off.

*End of Flashback*

I breathed about after telling David the whole story. I looked down at my wrist to see the faint scars from 3 years ago. I felt David's arms wrap around me and engulfing me into a hug.

"I love you, you know that." I heard him say. "I love me too." I cheekily replied. "Whatever."

Beautiful Love ~Dalesha (David Walliams x Alesha Dixon)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now