~Chapter 20~

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*The next day*

*Third POV*
The early morning after yesterday.  Alesha lay sprawled about upon the bed as David finished packing up.

"Are you sure you'll be alright alone?" David asked Alesha while zipping his suitcase.
"Of course I'll be alright I'm an adult woman plus I'm not alone I have Bert."
David slipped on his tie and looked in the mirror trying to do his tie up. As it slipped from his hand he cursed under his breath.

Alesha got out of the bed and fixed the tie standing on her tip toes,as she was much shorter than him when she had no heels on,  and planted a small kiss on his lips.

The stares into each other's eyes and softly smiled at each other. They heard the doorbell ring interrupting their sweet moment. "I'll get it." Alesha sighed.

Alesha made her way down the staircase she wasn't in pain because of the medication.
She raised an eyebrow and made her way over to the security panel and looked at the camera to see it was her sister.

'What is Leyanne doing here isn't she supposed to be at school?' She thought to herself before it being brought out of her upcoming thoughts by the doorbell being rung again.

She walked over to the door and opened it to be met with a bouncy and happy Leyanne hugging her around  waist. She winced a bit at the slight bit of pain from the pressure. The younger curly haired girl let go when she realized and and happily greeted her older sister as she welcomed her into the house.

Just as she said that David came walking down the stairs straightening out his blazer. "I invited her to come stay and help while I'm gone. You said she was training to be a nurse so I decided she'd be able to help and keep you company. You didn't think I'd actually leave you alone for a week did you?" David said while a small smile came into his face. "To be honest yeah. I would've eventually called her over." Alesha said.

So they all sat and chatted a bit before David had to go on the jet with the others.

As David got on the jet he greeted everyone. "We're still waiting on the fill in for Alesha." Amanda said while looking at her phone. "Also Simon who was it anyway? You didn't tell us who." Stephen said while eating Maltesers. Just as Simon was about to speak Cheryl entered the plane.

"Hiya Simie, did ya miss me."


Well I know this is short I just wanted to put something out because I am currently on vacation so yeah I don't know what else to say because I'm awkward but thanks for reading this book

Remember stay AWESOME you AWESOME people until next time Bye-Bye👋❤️

Beautiful Love ~Dalesha (David Walliams x Alesha Dixon)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now