~Chapter 17~

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*Back at the hospital in Third POV*

David was awake while Alesha was asleep he was unable to fall asleep due to all of his thoughts. He heard indistinct chattering in the hall way but decided to pay no attention to it as he was thinking about how Alesha knew Elijah. He decided to go to the guest waiting room and get a cup of tea.

*In the hall way*
Elijah was talking on his phone in a low whispery voice .
You: "You won't believe who turned up in the hospital."

????: "Who? Is it  who I think it is?"

You: "If you're thinking of Alesha Dixon with that fruitcake you're correct."

????: "Ugh I don't even want to read or see her name."

You: "I meant to ask you. How do you even know Alesha and what has she ever done to you?"

????. "She took everything from me she always had everything the perfect smile, the best hair, she even got the best looking guys. She even ruined my marriage. That's why I hate her."

You: "Ohhh that makes sense so what's this little plan that you mentioned about earlier. I'm kinda eager to know before I have to get back to work."

????: "You'll see, do you have that serum I gave you on you right now."

You: "No I didn't think I'd need it."

????: "You idiot I told you to keep it on you at all times just in case. Can't you do anything right!!"

You: "Well jeez don't get your knickers in a twist. Anyhow I gotta get back to work I'll text ya later."
He then started to feel guilty for doing this to her.
He pocketed his phone he then started down the hall to the break room to get a cup of coffee. He made it to the break room and while he was making the cup of coffee a rush of memories came flooding back. Along with those memories was the first he met Alesha.

*Flashback three years ago Elijah POV*
I was at the coffee shop working my small shift before I had to head back to the dorms. I had to work a paying job to help support myself through college.

"Hey Eli can I have a medium caramel latte with whipped cream at the top and a medium iced rose tea." My friend Michael said while he had his arm around his girlfriend, Alesha, who looked like she was tired while trying to push his arm off of her. I had only ever heard him talk about her and he said she seemed to be a bouncy person.

"Yeah sure thing Mikey what's wrong with 'Lesha she seems less bouncy." I said entering the order and putting the money he handed me into the register.

I turned and passed the order to the kitchen in the corner of my eye I saw him grip Alesha's wrist and her trying to pull her wrist away but it looked as if he tightened his grip. She winced in a bit of pain before snatching her wrist away.

"Order 326 a C.L with W and a medium Iced Rose Tea." I heard Kirstie say holding the two drinks in hand. I took the drinks and handed them to Mikey. "Here have a nice day and I'll talk to you later Mikey." With that they walked away.

*Back to present in Third POV*
He finished making the coffee he turned to walk out of the break room but he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going here let me help you."  A familiar voice said while holding out a hand he looked up the arm and at the face. It was David, due to protocol he had to be nice to him. He took his hand and pulled himself up and called for a cleanup crew to clean up the spilt coffee.

"My apologies doctor I wasn't paying attention."

"No no it was my fault I should've been more alert. Ya know with late hours. I must be heading back to work."

"Also Dr.Ferguson thanks again for saving her I don't know I would've done without her."

"Just doing my job."

'He must really love her.'
Eli thought to himself.

They parted ways as David went to get his tea and Eli waited for the cleanup crew making sure no one slipped on the spot.
Ok so I just wanted to get something out before my finals start on Monday and last from Mon-Fri for school. So I know this isn't much but I want to reveal small bits about her past and when the abuse started.

Remember stay AWESOME you AWESOME 😎 people


Beautiful Love ~Dalesha (David Walliams x Alesha Dixon)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now