~Chapter 5~

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*Third POV*

After Alesha accepted David's request to be his girlfriend an eavesdropping Amanda and Simon came through the door with smiles on their faces.

"Finally! We've been waiting for you two to get together! So now we can tell you that Me and Simon are dating and have been for 2 years." Amanda said excitedly. Alesha and David exchanged questioning looks.

"Wait, Wait, Wait that's why you two have been so close like closer than usual close." David said putting together the puzzle pieces. "I'm happy for you both i've noticed how close you both were but I would've never suspected anything." Alesha added congratulating the couple. She winced in pain and tightly shut her eyes.

"Are you ok Alesha?" David asked concerned. Alesha nodded eyes still closed as she tried to bare with the pain coming from her head.

"Headache?" Amanda asked. Alesha nodded again and reached for the cup of water beside her bed. She took a sip of it and lied back down.

Just as she did this the nurse came in and told everyone that visiting hours were over and that it was time to leave. They all said their goodbyes and the nurse gave Alesha some paracetamol to take for her headache.

~3 Days Later~

"Thanks for bringing me home Amanda. I gotta sort out a lot of stuff."Alesha said hugging Amanda. "No problem. I understand what you mean. If you need anyhting just call me alright." Amanda said. Alesha nodded and they exchanged their goodbyes.

Alesha went inside and a small feeling of dread overcame her. The events and memories came back to remind her of the bad things that happened here. But with some bad comes good.

She went up the stairs and looked at the pictures lining the wall up to their shared bedroom.

She stopped and looked at a photo on the wall of she and her husband smiling happily in front of a beach.

"Mikey where are you? It's getting late!" Alesha called out walking along the beach. The wind blowing through her hair and onto her face. She looked out onto the ocean to the beautiful sunset.

All of a sudden she screamed when she felt two arms around her waist and picked her up off the ground.

"Gotcha!" A familiar voice said.

"Michael put me down." She laughed squirming to get out of his arms. "And why should I do that?" He said a cheeky smile coming onto his face.

"Because I want you too." She said still trying to break free.  He laughed and said OK and walked towards the water.

"Don't you dare." Alesha said sternly. Michael smirked and tilted her downward putting her closer to the water.

"Stop! You're gonna get my hair wet." She said laughing.

"Alright fine." He said setting her back onto the ground. He quickly pulled her into his arms again and pulled her down into his lap just as a wave came.

Alesha gasped as Michael started laughing at her wet hair falling over her face resembling a wet kitten.

"You look so beautiful princess." He said. Alesha rolled her eyes and pushed him over before laughing.

~flashback over~

She smiled sadly then shook it out of her mind as she continued to look around. She stepped into the bedroom and saw everything was frozen in time.

She looked around and saw her phone with a large crack across its screen. Turning her head to her side of the bed she saw a half dried small puddle of blood. Her eyes widened and she rushed to the bathroom and got a towel and wet it with soap and water and tried to scrub the blood off the hardwood floor.

In the middle of scrubbing her hardest she heard her phone ring and went to go pick it up. She noticed it said unknown number and she answered it.

"Hello?" She asked.

"I told you this isn't over. I still love you and I know you still love me too. You are mine and only mine. I'll be out soon love." A familiar  voice growled  through the phone. Her heart sank and she felt nauseous at what she just heard.

She rushed down the stairs and made her way to the kitchen and fixed a glass of water before gulping it down. She placed both hands onto the counter and looked down taking slow deep breaths and counting slowly to ten.

She picked up her phone and dialed her lawyer.

A~Alesha L~lawyer

A: Hello
L: Hi Alesha what can I do for you.
A: Two things. Do you think you could come over to mine? So we can talk this out better.
L: Sure I'll be over in 10.
A: Thanks bye.

Alesha ended the call and went back up stairs to change and take a quick shower.

She got out the shower and threw on a bra and an oversized red and blue tie-dye shirt with black shorts. By the time she finished getting ready she went downstairs as she heard the doorbell ring.

She opened the door and let her lawyer Laura Wasser in.

The embraces each other and Alesha lead her to the mini bar in the dining room area.

"Want anything to drink?"Alesha asked.

"Yeah just a gin. So what is it you needed to tell me in person?" Laura asked sitting at the table.

Alesha fixed Laura's drink and gave it to her before sitting leaning against the counter facing her.

"I need divorce papers." She said looking down.

"Alrighty. Is that all? We could've handled this over the phone." Laura said raisin an eyebrow.

"No it's not all I Also need your help when I eventually have to court to testify against Michael." Alesha said and Laura raised an eyebrow.

Beautiful Love ~Dalesha (David Walliams x Alesha Dixon)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now