The Six Million Dollar Girl

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Dedicated to my friend, Priya159 for getting me into Wattpad. (Best thing ever, by the way.)

And hey, her books are awesome too! Don't forget to check 'em out.

And hey guys, don't hate! This is my first story. Although comments of what I can improve on and what you like so far are appreciated.

Your probably bored now, so enjoy:

In pain, I brush the knots and curls out of my straight, blonde hair. I look at myself through the bathroom mirror. I look like nothing special. Just a girl with tangled hair, dark brown eyes, a tired expression and light blue PJ's.

This will sound, pretty selfish, but I am special. I'm bionic. I'm very powerful, with my super strength, speed, molecular-

My alarm clock rings again from the snooze. I decide against turning it off, since I enjoy the music. I should do this more often. With a smile, I continue brushing, then head over to my closet.

I decide on nothing special. I usually don't like to be noticed. But, I can be very rebellious at times. I decide on a plain white t-shirt and jeans. I leave my long hair out, grab a bag, and head downstairs for school.


"As I was saying, there's nothing really to it. You just subtract the BEDMAS and use the opposite operation-" And right after that, I stop listening. I pretend to be taking notes, but really I'm just doodling. I decorate my paper with black and white hearts, stars and stickmen.

"So,-GWEN!" The professor calls. I shout in surprise, banging my knees on the desk.

"Pay attention!" He snaps, annoyed and looking like he's about to explode.

"Sorry professor!" He nods and tells me to stay awake.

Is that possible?

He continues his boring lecture on math, but I don't see why my dad hires these people to teach me these things. I'm already the smartest person on the planet.

The alarm rings, which means it's time for lunch. Without even saying goodbye, I run up the stairs to the kitchen. When I say run, I mean that I...dashed using my super speed. I can run faster than any human alive.

(Yes, even you Usian Bolt.)

I quickly make a PB and J sandwich in a matter of seconds, turn on the TV, and sit down to eat. I roll my eyes at the news broadcast, but the story stops me from changing the channel.

"By some miracle, our town was saved last night from a huge, freak chemical leak! No one knows what happened, but workers claim to have been told by teenagers in weird suits to evacuate the premises." The reporter gives the audience a fake smile, winks and announces:

"This is Tasha Davenport, passing it back to the newsroom."

A teenage superhero? My mind races, thinking of The Avengers, Spiderman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman and all the other greats. Could I be one of them? I don't have anymore time to ponder the thought, because the door slams open.

My brother Marcus walks in furiously, slamming his backpack on the ground. In sheer rage, he approaches the kitchen table and slams his fist into it, breaking it in two. He let's out a furious growl.

"I'm so SICK of Leo Dooley!" He complains, slouching on the couch. He does this everyday.

I roll my eyes and sit on the other couch. Facing him, I ask:

"What did he do this time?"

He growls again.

"I HAD Adam Davenport! I had the easiest target, right in my grasp!"

"And?" I ask, walking to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice for Marcus. I don't know why, it just always seems to calm him down.

When I take the glass out from the cupboard, father appears from the living room. He walks out and folds his arms, glaring in Marcus' direction.

"Bravo, son! Next time, why don't you GET THE JOB DONE?!" He yells. Marcus leaps onto his feet.

"Father! I try! It's just that stupid Leo kid-"

"I'm sick of your petty excuses." He spits. Then, he exhales.

"I'm sorry," He apologizes as he starts to get himself a glass of water.

"I haven't listened to my daily jazz music today."

He gains a satisfied face as he drinks the cool water. When he's done, he set's the glass on the counter and points to me.

"I want you." He says plainly. My mouth drops and my eyes widen.

"Me?" I ask, smiling.

"Her?" Marcus asks with disdain. Father nods.

"Yep. Gwen, your going into the field tomorrow. With him." He points to Marcus, who get's a mischievous grin.


"Him!?" I exclaim, my happiness quickly vanishing. Father nods again.

"Yes, him. You too. It'll be your first day, Gwen. Marcus can show you the ropes. Gain my kids' trust. Then, after a few days, weeks, however long it takes, get them here and then we'll have them."

Marcus gives off a laugh/snort.

"Yeah, it's not that easy. Leo-"

"Is no problem." I smirk. "I can take care of him." Father shows a satisfied smile.

"So, it's settled then. Gwen, tomorrow is your first day of school at Mission Creek High. Enjoy." Marcus let's out an angered grunt and storms upstairs, but I just stand there with a smile on my face.

[Stay tuned for chapter 2 please!]

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