Chapter 9: The Six Million Dollar Boy

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"Hey, Gwen." I'm surprised to find Bree, standing beside me as I take my books from my locker.

"Hi, Bree."

"Chase told me that you had a headache last night. You okay?" I nod, instinctively touching my forehead.

"Yeah, I'm okay now." She smiles.

"Awesome." Suddenly, an electric guitar cuts through the conversation. Bree rolls her eyes, but she's smiling.

"Look." She sighs. "Our brothers are going at it again."

While shouting insults they, um, guitar off. I haven't really seen Marcus play guitar, but I've heard him. He's decent. Of course, I'm his sister, so I have to say that.

But, Chase really surprises me.

"Whoa," I tell Bree. "I didn't know Chase could play like that." She nods.

"Neither did I, the first time. He must be taking secret lessons or something like that." I nod, smiling. Everyone's having a fun time, when suddenly the doors of Mission Creek actually fly open.

They swing to the side to let this guy in. He's tall, has black-brown hair and is wearing a leather jacket, jeans and running shoes. He has a book bag over her shoulder. Practically all the girls in the school start to freak out and sigh over this guy. I say practically because I'm probably the only girl in the school that didn't just either, "AH!", "AW," or "OMG!" He walks over to me and Bree and looks us over. And by that I mean looks us over. Bree is still hypnotized, but I'm not. In fact, I glare at him and say,

"Alright. Who do you think you are?" He smirks at us.

"I'm the man of your dreams." I make a confused face, but Bree just squeals. I feel the urge to point to Chase and say:

No, the man of my dreams is over there!

"So, you two both don't know me. That's not cool." He shrugs as some girls melt on the spot.

"I'm Logan Matthews." He looks at Bree and frowns.

"Hmm, I love a good brunette as much as the next guy, so don't take offence. But, this girl over here seems pretty rebellious." Bree's face falls. She glares at me and runs into the girls washroom as some people call out stuff like, "Rejected!" I glare at them.

"Oh, shut up!" I tell them. They roll their eyes at me almost simultaneously, which was a little bit on the creepy side.

"You know," He continues, looking at me. "If I weren't here, then you'd be the hottest person in this school right now." I practically gawk at this guy.

"Um, excuse you?"

"You heard me." I step back from him, but he grabs he arms in the exact place where dad hurt me. I cry out.

"Hey, come on." He says. "I didn't do it that hard." I try to struggle out of his grasp, but I can't. I'm bionic, struggling to get away from this guy. How is that possible?

Logan smiles at me.

"Come on, I want to take you somewhere."

"Get away from me." He rolls his eyes.

"Look Gwen. I'm Logan Matthews. I ALWAYS get what I want." I feel like he's about to do something crazy, like kiss me or something, when suddenly he's pushed.

"She said," Chase practically growls. "Get away from her." Some people 'Oh!' and Logan winks at the other girls, then glares at Chase.

"Your out of your league, nerd." Chase raises an eyebrow, almost like how Marcus does.

"No, she's out of your league." More 'oh!'ing from the crowd. Logan shoves Chase and he staggers back a bit.

"Logan-" He swings his arm to my side, knocking me down. Okay, something is wrong with this guy. Different. No doubts about it. That's when Marcus steps in.

"Okay," He gives him his signature pose.

"We've been saying 'get away', but lemme rephrase. Get out, punk." Even louder 'oh''s come up. Some more insults from guys, but girls quickly snarl.

He spins around, then looks at me, Chase and Marcus. He folds his arms then nods.

"Here's what's what." He says seriously. He nods to Marcus.

"Your sister." He nods to Chase.

"Your girlfriend." I smile, seeing him blush.

"Well, actually technically she's not my-"

"SHUT UP!" Logan snaps. He smiles.

"Anyway. Tonight's Friday. You two. Me. Fight. Tomorrow. Two o'clock. At Mission Creek Circle, thevclosed off area mind you."

Marcus rolls his eyes.

"Wait, you want us to fight? And, whoever wins get's Gwen? I'm sorry, but she's a person." Logan rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Oh, your lame. When will you learn? Girls aren't people. They're girls." Chase glares at him.

"Fine whatever. Look, it's the end of the day. We're all tired. Let's just go home." Logan nods smugly.

"Alright." Then, he winks at me.

"Can't wait to have ya."

"Jump off a cliff."

"I like that." He turns on his heel, then leaves. The crowd disbands, but Adam, Chase and Marcus rush over to me. Adam offers me his hand and I get up, but he's touching my bruised arm.

I flinch.

Then, Chase looks like he can't take it anymore. He walks over to me, takes my arm and pulls up my sleeve, my bruise showing.

"Ow ow!" I complain. Chase gives the others a look, and they walk off with awkward looks on their faces. Awesome! Now, Chase and I can walk home together. He's still holding my arm.

"Gwen. Seriously. Tell me what happened." I feel guilt and pain swell. I have to lie, but I don't want to!

"I told you Chase! A...sofa dropped on my arm." He glares at me.

"You told me a table fell on your arm. Also, Mr. Davenport and I spoke. You told us two different reasons for what happened to your face. And now, your giving me two different reasons for you arm." His face turns into a sad expression. "I thought you said you trusted me." My eyes start to sting as my heart starts pounding. This is so unfair!

"I do, Chase!"

"Then, why don't you tell me?"

"Because I-" I stop. I don't know what to say. He stares at me expectedly. Finally, he throws his hands up.

"Never mind! I'm done." He starts to walk out, but I grab his wrist. Hot tears stream down my face.

"No, Chase please! Please don't walk away like this."

"Oh!" He says seriously. "And you think it's fun to see you in pain everyday? Tell me what's going on!" I sigh. I'm crying now.

"C-Chase, why do you care so much?"

"Because I care about YOU, Gwen!"

I sigh. I have to tell him now. I walk over to my locker, then sit down. Chase sits on my right. I gesture to my injuries and know that he's paying attention.

"Please don't tell anyone."

"I can't guarantee that." I stare at the ground. It's time to tell him. I turn to him.

"It was my father," I say quietly. He takes my hand.

[Hi! Thanks for sticking with. I'm not sure why chapter 10 is taking me three days to write, when usually each chapter only takes one day. I'm trying!


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