Chapter 6: Hidden Powers

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Wanting to avoid father and Marcus, I decide to enter through my window. I'm about to hyper-jump it, when I hear Marcus behind me.

"Why?" I turn around. He's doing his signature pose, his arms folded and his eyebrow raised.
"Um..." I clench my gifts in frustration. What am I supposed to say?
Oh, I just really wanted to see Chase so I completely betrayed you and father?

"Was it love? Stupidity?" I cringe.
"Maybe it was a bit of both? And hey, since when are you Mr. Wiseguy?"
He sighs and gives me a big brother looking down on his little sister look.
"Since you go off and destroy everything we stand for!"
"I'm sorry!" I exclaim. My expression softens and I look up longingly at my window, just wanting to disappear.
"I'm sorry." I hear him walk across the grass as I jump up to the window.


For a lot of people, Saturday is one's favourite day of the week. As for me, it's my least favourite. It's training day, which means train non-stop until six.
Groggily, I step out of my capsule and walk downstairs into the basement.
Father is at one of the controls, typing something into the holo-screen.
"Ready to train?" He asks darkly. Swallowing hard, I nod. Then, I realize it. Now, I resent Donald Davenport more than ever. He created Adam, Bree and Chase. I've been so distracted that I completely forgot about my real mission.

On the other hand, I can't let father use them as slaves. Bree is the fastest person on the planet. Adam is the strongest. Chase is the smartest. Together, they would make an unstoppable force. Father can have everything he wanted and more.
Marcus told me more about this 'Triton
App' and I really don't like it. Father in control? Bad idea. They wouldn't be able to thing for themselves, do anything themselves. Be themselves. And, what about they're future? What about mine and Marcus'? Fathers? All this almost brings me to tears, but I straighten and step into the platform and putting on the simulation glasses.

Marcus walks downstairs in his Mission Suit, as I did.
"Good morning, Marcus," Father greets.
"Sleep well?" Sadly, I stare down at the white plastic cylinder I'm standing on. Father and Marcus exchange some words, then the simulation starts.

I blink and I'm in a white hallway. I take notice of Marcus standing beside me. I'm about to say something, when I hear yelling and guns. Marcus and I dash down a hallway, blowing past anyone who stands, stood, in our way.
Then, suddenly we are reduced to regular running. I try to speed up, but I can't. My bionic power, my speed at least, had been taken away from me. Then, what looks like a whole army of guards ambush us. The ones in the front are kneeling, and the others are standing up. I have a feeling that we're not bullet-proof anymore.

Then, suddenly I can't take it anymore.
Everything. All the pressure. All the life-balancing. So, I do the only natural thing. I straighten, plant my feet into the ground and scream.

It comes out in some kind of frequency I never thought possible. In front of me, the agents/guards clutch their ears. Screaming in pain, they start to pass out. From the corner of my eye, I see Marcus fighting off the others behind us. As soon as everyone in front of me is on the ground, the room starts to spin and I fall to the ground.


"Hmm..." Father examines my throat.
"Yep. I remember, I was watching my brother. Apparently, my kids have been developing new bionic powers. It must be happening to you."
"Hey," Marcus points to himself. "What about me?" Father waves his hand dismissively.
"I don't doubt that it won't happen to you soon, Marcus." I smugly smirk at him.
"Yeah. Plus, girls mature faster than boys."
"What?!" He sputters. "We're not even human!" Father shrugs and types something on a console.
"Well, as for Gwen, keep it on the down-low. We don't want you screaming all over the place and knocking people out." He points to a folder on the main desk.
"Pass me that." I hop off the table and walk over to the desk to collect it, then look behind me. Marcus is storming up the stairs angrily, and father is writing something down. I decided to take the chance and look through the folder. It's the same one about the 'Six Million Dollar Girl'. Trembling, I open it. There are much more papers in there now.
I quickly examine it. It lists a creation date, unknown abilities, known abilities, glitches-
"Gwen!" Father calls. "Your getting curious! I don't like that." I run over to him and hand him the folder.
"Sorry father," I say, running upstairs.

[Thanks for reading! Stay turned for Chapter 7! 😛]

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