Chapter 23: Leo or Oel?

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That Friday evening, all of us gather in the living room to confront the Leo problem.

We stare at both of them with a confused look.

"Okay," Mr. Davenport says. "What do we know so far?" One of the Leo's, let's say Leo 1, rolls his eyes.

"This is ridiculous!"

"Yeah!" Leo 2 adds. "I'm the real Leo!"

"No your not!"

Mrs. Davenport, or Tasha, frowns.

"Hmm, can we ask them something only Leo would know?" I shake my head.

"If I know my dad, who we all know made the clone, he's smart. They will all have the same memories, feelings, personalities." Bree sighs and folds her arms.

"Well, what do we do?" Marcus snaps, his eyes lighting up.

"I got it! We can cut them open, and see if it's robotic inside." I give him a disgusted look.

"Or, we can just take X-Rays." He frowns and gives everyone a bored look.

"Well, sure. If you want to do it the boring way."


"Behold everyone!" Mr. Davenport exclaims. He let me and Marcus into the lab, under the excuse that it's only for making inventions.

"I call it: the D-Ray!" We stare at him with a weird look, but Chase seems really excited.

"This is perfect! With this, whatever we put into the machine, we can see the inside on that screen! Without radiation! Amazing!" Bree sighs, rolling her eyes.

"Okay. We all enjoy seeing the two nerds geek out together, but someone care to explain what's going on to the, you know, cool people?" Mr. Davenport frowns, but answers her question.

"Well," He says, gesturing to the...thing. It kind of looks like a change room you'd find at a mall or something like that. But, with two doors on either side. With a TV on the front. It's actually kind of big in length.

He gestures to the first door.

"You walk in through here. On the ceiling on the inside, there's a laser that scans you and projects your skeleton here." He points to the TV screen.

"Okay," Leo 2 says. "I think I can speak for me and me: will it hurt?" Mr. Davenport cringes.

"Uh...why don't you go in and find out?" He laughs nervously as both Leo's turn to each other and exclaim:

"You first!"


"I can't believe it." I sigh.

"Me neither."

"What are we going to do?" Mr. Davenport sighs, frustrated. Marcus takes both x-ray photos.

"Is tis possible? I mean, both Leo's are robotic?" In a way, this is all me and Marcus' fault. If only we never met them, no one would be hurt. We would have went our separate ways. I bite back my anger.

"So, where's the real Leo?" Bree shrugs, defeated, from the couch.

"You tell me. He's your dad." That didn't come out nicely.

"Are you saying this is my fault?" I ask, not believing what I'm saying. Bree stands up.

"Um, who else's fault can it be?" I fold my arms.

"I don't know. Yours." She gasps, glaring.

"My fault? MY FAULT? Don't turn this around on me! If-"

"Don't you dare!" We get into a heated argument. There's no thinking. Just insults. Each word she says hurts me a little more, and I plan on hurting her the same way.

I feel myself becoming hot with anger. Rage and adrenaline course through me as I try to yell over her.

"QUIET!" Chase yells over us. We stop and look at him. "We won't solve our problem, or any problems, by arguing. Agreed?" Me and Bree look at each other, determined to continue the fight later.

"Agreed." We both breathe, anger still swelling.

"Good. Now. How are we gonna-" Suddenly, on the screens where Eddy usually is, is the face of a madmen. A traitor. A psychopath.


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