Chapter 27: The Truth

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[A/N: 'K, it's official. There will be 1-3 more chapters. I'm exactly sure on the number. That's it, enjoy!]

I kick the door down and shake Bree's shoulder.

"Bree?" I call. "WAKE UP!" I wish I could pour ice water on her. I don't have anything against her, it's just that this would be a good idea right now.

But, quickly I stand back. She's under the influence of the Triton App. I need to break it, so that we can break out of here. I turn back to Eddy, who is demanding why I didn't go. I look at my phone.

"Do you have a connection to Bree's bionics?" I ask.


"Does it really matter?" I snap as he rolls his eyes.

"I wish I did."

"So that you could help me." I nod understandingly.

"NO! I could definitely mess around with them."

Alright. New tactic. I jog back over to Douglas' computer.

"Can you hack this?" He laughs as if I've just made the best joke ever.

"HA! Can I hack that? Did you forget who your talking to?"


After firewalls, passwords and all that other geeky stuff, we find the Triton App on his computer.

"Yes!" I squeal. "Destroy it!" He pauses, and takes a frustrated breath.

"Something like that can't just be simply destroyed." He answer as if I'm a five year old. I sigh and frown.

"Well, what can you do to it?"

"Hmm, I can disable it."

"What's the difference?"

"Destroying is what I wish would happen to Tasha. As in, disappeared. Forever!" He cackles evilly as I roll my eyes. "Disabling is basically the exact same thing as destroying, but it can be brought back."

I'm about to tell him to do it, when I stop.

"Eddy, maybe we could use this as evidence to the sherif."

"Uh, no! That would expose Adam, Bree and Chase! Ha, and they called you the smart one."

"Well," I smile. "We can still use this. We can use lot's of other stuff too. Like, witnesses. And, that security camera." I point to the upper corner of the room, where a camera is pointed directly in our direction.

"Oh!" Eddy nods. "I see what your thinking."

"Yeah, so. Disable that app on Bree, Chase and Adam. But, don't take it down."

"As in," He pauses again. "Like, a buyer erasing an app on their phone as opposed to the app creator taking it down completely." I nod to him.

"Congrats. You just said something smart."


Bree clutches her head drowsily.

"Ugh, I feel kinda nauseous."

"Alright," I say grinning. "But, if your gonna do that, then do it away from here." I gesture at myself as she laughs.

"Are they alright?" She asks, referring to Adam and Chase who are beside her.

"And, where are we?" I hear Eddy being activated on Marcus' phone.

"Your in a lab under the Lab." She looks around.

"Explanation please." So, I tell her about everything that's happened so far. With Douglas and Leo. My plan and Eddy helping me.

"Wait, Eddy helped you?"

"Crazy right?" She laughs as Chase and Adam slowly wake up. Before they can say a word, Bree tells them everything that I just told her.

"But wait," Adam says. "How did you know that we're bionic?" I freeze and look at the ground.

It's the moment I've dreaded forever. When I finally fess up. But, I think it would be better coming from me than Douglas.

"Guys, there's something I should tell you." Chase nods.

"I already know-"

"No, you don't." I interrupt feeling myself die inside.

"I'm not who you think I am-"

"YES!" Adam exclaims. "She IS an alien. Alright, guys. Pay up." Sadly, I shake my head and force myself to look at them.

"I...I'm...I'm," I say, trying to come out with it. "I'm like the three of you."

"Wait," Adam shakes his head, confused. "We're not aliens." Bree turns back to me, rolling her eyes at Adam.

"What?" She asks, with a hint of disbelief in her voice.

"It's...true. Me and Marcus. Our dad, well, not really my dad because he kidnapped me a long time ago, wanted us to get to you guys. To make you trust us. Then, we were supposed to lure you back to his original lab. Marcus was always trying his best to please Douglas. But after a while, when he found out Douglas' real intentions, he tried to quit. Which is similar to my story."

I take a deep breath and see they're intense expressions, hanging on to every word. I struggle to continue.

"All of my life, Douglas had been keeping me in the house. I was...never allowed to go outside or make any contact with the outside world." My eyes start to sting, so I quickly wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and try to continue.

They hate me now. I knew this would happen. But I have to continue. And, if they kick me out, I deserve it. I was being such a screw-up. I wish I could be different. Normal. Anyone but myself. I hate me, with every emotion I have. I completely and utterly hate myself. I wipe my eyes agin and continue.

"I didn't know what he really wanted to do, and I really didn't care. I was like Marcus, all I wanted to do was make Douglas happy. That just seemed like the thing to do. I had no idea what I was really doing until he finally told me about it. When I refused to do his bidding, that's when me and Marcus decided that he had truly gone insane." I sniffle and look away.

"He started becoming more...more angry and abusive. So, really. All I ever wanted to do was actually have a friend. Adam's always been nice to me, Bree's always been my best friend and Chase, well," I smile sadly. "He knows. I really wanted to tell you, we both wanted to tell you. But, we were afraid. Afraid of your reaction. So, now I know. I know that you hate me. I know that you want nothing to do with us ever again. But, please. Please follow through on my plan and out my father in jail."

[A/N: One more quick thing. After this I will be doing a Young Justice fanfic called Snow Queen, which will be published maybe a day or so after this story is completed. Hey, when I'm done this story, I guess I could say I 'closed the book'. Ha, ha! :) Well, see ya laters! And, thx for reading!

Ps: AH! These glitches on the app are KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!]

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