Red String of Faith (Levi x OC)

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﹏﹏﹏Chapter 1﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏

Sabrina POV

"Sabrina!," I heard my mother yell on the other side of the door, "Wake up! We're going to be late!," she commented and knocked on my door once again.

I groaned, rolling onto my back, staring at my black colored ceiling "What's today again..?", I whispered looking at my small digital clock by my bed, 9:55 is what it read.

Oh yeah. I forgot. Today was the day we were moving. Again, for the third time this year. Wrapping the dark purple sheets around my small figure, I sighed, closing my emerald eyes once again.

'Why can't I just disappear?,' I thought, wanting nothing more than to sink into the darkness of my covers. "Sabrina!," My mother screamed, opening my bedroom door, walking over to my silk black curtains, and yanking them open. "I told you to wake up! The trucks will be here soon!,"

My mother was dressed in a lime green sweat shirt, dark blue capress, and still barefoot. Her long brown hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. Pulling the covers over my head, trying to block out the killing light, I mumbled, "Leave me alone...".

I half expected her to yell at me for back talking, but after a few minutes of silence, I peeked out and scanned the room. Out of nowhere my blankets got pulled off my body by my mother who stood at the foot of my bed. "Get. Up. Now," she growled throwing the blankets on the ground, and calmly walked out of my room, "When I come back in five minutes, you better be out of that bed, or else," her voice echoed down the hall.

"Fine....," I mumbled getting up from my bed and walked over to my bathroom, closing and locking it behind me.

Gazing up at my mirror, I met my own gaze. Looking over myself, I sighed. You see, I was no normal teenager. Somehow I was born with bright blue hair, and light emerald green eyes. Not quite a neon blue, and not quite a dark blue. Many people picked on me for my birth traits, but my mother always told be I was beautiful the way I was.

Of course she would say that, she was my mother. She couldn't tell me I was ugly, right? Well one thing I did get from her was my shortness. I have been exactly five foot one since I was twelve. Now I'm sixteen, so four years since my last growth spurg happened.

After giving myself one last look in the mirror, I jumped into the shower, washing myself quickly before changing into black skinny jeans, and green Pierce the Veil T-shirt, and pulling on my black and white all-star converse.

Once I finished pulling my hair up into a messy bun, I headed downstairs for breakfast before I started packing up the last of my things. When I got to the kitchen I saw my mother packing some last minute plates, "About time," she murmured, "I thought I was going to have to dump water on you or something,"

'I wish you would!' I thought walking around her and grabbed a apple from a bowl on the counter, "Where's Papa and Jake?," I asked, taking a bite of my apple. "Their out back getting the last of the gardening tools," she said placing the last plate in a brown box ,closing it and seling it with tape.

Sighing softly, I bit into my apple again, pulling my phone out of my pocket. Five Kik messages and three regular text messages. All from my friends telling me goodbye before I actually leave "Mama,"I called, turning off my phone, looking at her. "Yes?," she asked picking up the box of packed plates.

"Why do we have to move? After I finally made so many friends here. Jake too," I questioned her.

She sighed, walking over to the other counter, "Not again Sabrina. I already told you, your father isn't making enough money at this job here. So he found another and they pay enough money," she stated, pulling out a black marker, writing PLATES in big bold letters on the box.

Grunting lightly I quickly finished my apple and headed upstairs to my room to finish packing.

All I needed to pack were my bed sheets, bathroom items, and a few books. The rest was downstairs in boxes, waiting to be moved. After half an hour, I finished and sat on the floor, faning myself.

"Hey loser! The trucks are here!," my younger brother, Jake, yelled at my bedroom door. He was the lucky one between the both of us.

He was born looking normal. Having my mother's chocolate brown hair and my father's black eyes, and with his black glasses he looked great for an eleven year old. And he was almost as tall as me for Kami sake!

"Thank you Jake, I'll be right down, okay?," I said picking up my last box of books.

Nodding he ran over to his own room to get his things as well, I guess. Four eyed annoyance, I swear.

Quickly grabbing my phone, I ran downstairs, placing my box on another box in our living room. Most of the boxes were gone, which surprised me.

"Morning darling," I heard my father's voice behind me. Turning around I gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Good morning, Papa" I smiled.

"Your brother and I got the rest of this, go ahead and get in the car with your mother," he said picking up another box.

Nodding quickly I ran out to our red truck, sliding in the back seat. "You ready for a new start honey?," My mother asked looking at me in the review mirror.

"No...," I mumbled, "I don't want to leave my best friends! I don't want to leave Durshana, Diana, Stephanie, or Maria!," I yelled

"Hey!," she yelled looking back at me, "Don't ever use that tone with me again, young lady you hear me?," she sighed leaning back in her seat. Scowling at her I leaned my elbow on the door, and looked outside.

"Sabrina," I heard my mother but ignored her, "trust me. I don't like this as much as you do. Moving from place to place is not fun at all. Trust me, I know, but we just have to live through it,"

Sighing myself I turned to see Jake and my father walk towards the truck. I took out my ear buds and phone, sticking each bud in my ears as my father and brother entered the car.

I quickly tuned them out as I played 'Caught like a fly' by Falling in Reverse, and leaned against the door, watching the trees pass.

'It's going to take a few hours to get there, might as well get some rest,'

I thought slowly closing my eyes. Letting the welcoming darkness take me....

(A/N: Yay! First chapter done! Sorry if I made any mistakes anywhere! Just let me know so I can go back and fix it!

This is my first FanFic, so please don't expect so much out of me, I don't want to disappoint any of yall in the future!

Also, should I continue? I know this is a Levi x OC FanFic, and Levi hasn't really been introduced, but of y'all think I should continue he will be in the next chapter, I promise!

So later!

Myaa Cx ~)

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