Part 2 - Dinner

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((An:/ HI ALL! So this is a loong chapter, sorry.... God this took forever to write out... but I hope you enjoy!! Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas or request just let me know!!))

Opening his eyes, he felt the burning sensation of the light seeping through his eyes. Letting out a groan, he shuffled in the bed to turn to his side. Pain shot through his back as he let out a groan.

"Oh, you're up!" Jungkook stated without looking away from his screen. The maknae mashed buttons to what the red head assumed was a video game.

J-Hope let out a scream and fell out of bed. 

He didn't expect to find someone in his room with him, but as he became aware of his surroundings he realized they weren't even in his room.

"Shit!" Jungkook cursed as he threw his control on the ground, quickly making his way to his love. "Are you alright?!"

Out of instinct, the sore boy curled up into a boy before nodding.

"Just... sore..." he bit his lip.

The younger boy looked down at the other, debating what to do. His eyes drifted towards the purple mark left on his neck and reached out to touch it.

"God... they were so rough with you..." he whispered, loud enough for J-Hope to hear.

Memories flooded back to his mind, and he turned red in response.

"A-.. anyway," he said, swatting the coconuts hand away to attempt to sit up.

Another ripple of pain shot through his spine.


"Woah woah woah," Jungkook said quickly, "Calm down, let me help."

Picking him up into his arms with ease, he placed J-Hope onto the bed.

To say that the older was surprised at the strength the other had would be an understatement. How could he be that strong?!

"Where are we?"

Jungkook blinked, "We're home, silly..." He stated as he back to pick up his controller and end his game. "More specifically my room. The others told me to watch over you until you woke up."

"Wait, I never said I would live with you!"

"You don't have to. It's happening anyway!" He chuckled, "We already grabbed your things from your old house that you would need. I'm surprised you lived alone. Where were your parents?"

Brushing of the question, he retorted with another question, "Wait, what about the things in my bathroom?" He asked almost impatiently.

"Oh, we didn't bother in there, we had enough extra toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo and etcetera for you to use!"

"Oh..." he said nervously.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked curiously.

"No," J-Hope said smiling, "Nothing at all!"

Jungkook shrugged it off and smiled one of the cutest smiles the red-head had ever seen. It made him look like a bunny!

'And this boy is a part of a group of bad boys?' J-Hope asked himself. 'He's too cute for his own good!'

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