Part 20 - Gone

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((AN:// Wow! Three chapters in such a short amount of time.... Maybe making it four! Because right after I post this, I'm going to work on the next chapter!!


The light seeped into the room to signal the start of the day, causing Hoseok to open his eyes and sit up slightly. 

To his side he saw the rest of BTS, minus Jungkook, curled up sleeping beside him. 

After the incident last night, they all decided it would be best to sleep together instead of alone. 

Around his torso he felt an arm wrapped around it protectively.

It was RM's.

Hoseok chuckled to himself with delight at the sweet gesture and lifted the other's arm slightly to slip out. He turned his body over so he was kneeling, and gently placed his lips against the leaders.

The action caused the boy to stir slightly in his sleep as a small groan escaped his lips.

"Hobi..." Namjoon whined as he was coming to, "Ughhh, what are you doing up? It's so earllllyyy!"

"It's ten in the morning."

"It's earrrlllyyyy...."

The boy simply laid back down next to RM and cuddled up beside him, seeing as they were the only two up at the moment.

"Babe, I love you so much..." RM chuckled into the smaller boy's hair, taking in the scent of his shampoo, "But why the hell do you have to be a morning person?"

A cute, tiny pout came from the boy, "It's in my nickname, dummy.... I'm the sunshine boy...!"

"You sure are," Jimin whispered, shooting closer to the elder, "But you both talk too loud..."

He pressed their bodies together allowing Hoseok to feel him *Ehem* morning wood.

Jimins soft hands traveled to the hem of his tank top lifting it slowly as his fingers gently trailed Hoseoks caramel skin.

Shuddering at the sensation he looked back at the younger and stuck out his tongue playfully, "Wow, new record for you... Couldn't even wait more than ten minutes after waking up, huh?"

RM chuckled at the two acting so silly, "What's got our beautiful kitten in such a playful mood today?"

"I don't know," he truthfully answered.

Maybe he was tired of moping around after such a draining day yesterday.

Maybe he was just happy that he was the best boyfriends in the world.

Honestly, it would be anything!

He could feel Jimin's finger circling his now hard nipples, forcing him to hold back a moan to not disturb the others.

Meanwhile, RM took his hand and slowly traced they boy's frame as if to memorize the dancers figure. In not time, however, his hand found a place on top of Hoseok's growing tent.

Small, tiny pants soon trailed out of Hoseok's lips as heat began to take over his body, "M-Meanies..."

The leaders head leaned closer towards the elder and let his tongue swipe over the other's bottom lip greedily, "Tell us to stop then..."

Jimin nuzzled his chin in the crook of Hoseoks neck while slowly grinding his hips against his love's ass, "Yeah.... C'mon, tell us to stop...~"

His seductive voice lingered in Hoseok's ear, causing him to go into a slight trance. 

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