Part 8 - Making Love

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((AN:// Hi Hi!
Back again with another chapter!

Just wanted to say thank you for everyone who reads my books! It makes me super happy, and I just realized it's gotten over 1K reads!! Thank you!!!

I really hope you enjoy this chapter and future chapters! ))

Hoseok felt Jungkooks knee gently press against his crotch, and he began to grind his hips against it for friction.

"Shit...." Hoseok moaned out quietly.

Jungkook smirked as he saw the desperate boy underneath him squirming.

"You really okay for round three?" He whispered in Hoseoks ear, taking it into his mouth afterwards and bit it gently.

"Mmm....!" The older boy closed his eyes, tightening his grip of the other's hand, "Yes! Pleassse!"

Jungkook quickly picked up Hoseok bridal style and began to carry him into his bedroom.

He quickly shut the door behind him using his foot, and threw Hoseok onto the bed.

He took no time to strip himself of his clothes, and started to work on the smaller boys clothes as well.

Hoseok's eyes drifted over the other's abs and toned muscles. He felt his dick twitching from the sight, and when his eyes fell onto Jungkooks dick....

...Hoseok was practically drooling...

When did the maknae grow this big?!

"Hey Hoseok?" He asked, crawling slowly onto the boy's small frame.

"Y-Yeah?" He stutter, quickly prying his eyes away from the younger boy's member, "What is it?"

"Instead of fucking, we're going to make love."

Hoseoks eyes widened as he turned bright red, "W-W-What?!"

"Exactly as I said, silly," he chuckled as his hands roamed around the boy's body, admiring every curve and edge, "I want to make love instead. We've been just fucking you senseless, so I want to show you what it's like to have sex with meaning."

Hoseok bit his lip at the words. He felt his heart racing so fast he thought it would jump right out if his body, "A...Alright...." he whispered as he pulled the younger boy into a long, drawn out kiss.

It started off slowly and with passion, and soon their instincts kicked in.

The kiss became sloppy and their tongues danced around each other, begging for more. Hand were intertwined with each others as they pressed up against each other to feel their warmth.

Soft quiet moans erupted from Hoseoks mouth as he felt himself losing all of his senses.

This was completely different from the other times, and yet there was something about it that was exhilarating!

Jungkook pulled away from the kiss, but kept their faces merely inches apart. His hands slowly crept downward to find Hoseok's shaft and began to stroke it.

"God, everything about you is so amazing...."

He planted kisses over the boy's jawline and slowly lowered his head to meet the crook of Hoseok's neck and soon began to attack it with small pecks.

"From your smile, to you laugh, to you're happy-go-lucky personality, to your smarts, to your passion for dance, to how hard you try to make everyone else happy before yourself...."

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