Part 13 - Needs

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((AN:// Hi guys!

I'm back and definitely not dead!

Just wanted to drop by and say I love ya'll and that I hope you enjoy!!))

"Hey, sweetie, how do you feel about going out with me over the weekend?" Taehyung smiled as the groggy cotton candy haired boy sat up after his slumber.

"G..Go out...? I've never been on a date with any of you before..." his voice came out hoarse and deep after just waking up.

God, if he could, he would've taken Hoseok right then and there.

Taehyung instead sat beside him and combed his fingers through the boy's hair gently to fix what a mess it was, "Well, there's always a first for everything!"

He chuckled a Hoseok's eyes began less fogged over as he blinked, "You mean it?!"

"Yes, silly!" He exclaimed holding the elder boy's hand's tenderly, "It'll be me and you, and I'll show you a great night!"

Hoseok, despite the pain that shot through his body, tackled him into a hug, "I would love that! Please!"

"Woah, calm down, you need to relax. You're still recovering!" Taehyung said with a chuckle.

He looked over the bandages that Yoongi and Jungkook had applied to the boy's body. Got7 didn't show much mercy, did they?

"Question, when did you get home? Yoongi and Jungkook said you all were grabbing my things....!"

A small nod confirmed his statement as the younger stood up, "Correct! We had to rush so that we could leave before Got7 got back to their dorm, so we got back probably half an hour ago..."

"I see..." Hoseok said, eyeing his phone.

No doubt that his phone has blown up with calls and text messages.

His heart seemed to accelerate it's beats as he thought about what the messages could contain.

RM entered the room, followed by Jin.

"Hoseokie!" Jin left out cheerfully as he knelt beside the bed, "How are you? Still hurt?"

The boy nodded as he could feel the throbbing throughout his body.

Specifically his ass.

It was amazing to everyone how he could even manage to walk for as long as he did as school. Of course, it's not like Got7 had given him the choice.

"I see, I'll go make us some food and I'll bring your dinner up here, alright?" Jin kissed the boy's forehead gently before exiting the room.

RM looked over the boy's wounds sadly, "I'm sorry..."

Hoseok tilted his head in confusion, "What would you have to say sorry for? It's my fault... I should be the one apologizing!"

"We weren't treating you the way you should have been treated," RM averted his gaze to focus on Taehyung, "Maybe if we had, then this wouldn't have happened..."

Sadness filled the injured boy as he looked at the grim faces the other wore, "You all treated me perfectly! I mean, I-... None of it matters anymore, just.. I want to spend the night with you all for right now.."

RM places a loving kiss on Hoseok's nose before nodding, "If that's what you want, we'll all spend some time together tonight! Nothing to physically taxing, because you need to rest still!"

An excited squeal left the eldest boy's lips as his eyes lit up playfully, "Deal!"

"Good! Me and V will be right back, so lean back and relax until we come get you!" He chuckled as he stood up and signaled for Taehyung to follow him.

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