Part 21 - No Matter What

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((AN:// LOL!! Hi for the third time today??

This will probably be the last chapter for the day, and I'll upload more tomorrow or the next day though.

I'm trying to get past all the darkness and sadness quickly just so I can write the more cheerful part of the story!! 


Anyway enjoy!~~))

There he was once more, stuck in the house of horrors called Got7's dorm.

He sat around the table with them with Jungkook placed to his side.

His father had established ground rules for what he expects from the group and how to 'reform' his son. Oddly enough, he hadn't bothered to stick around for long and left his son to the hand of the real monsters.

Clearly he had no clue of Got7s real motives.

"Your dad is an interesting character..." Mark sighed out as he thumbed through the countless loose sheets of papers that Hoseoks father left them in case of emergency.

JB was holding the bottle of medication that was suppose to 'revert him to being straight' and examined it with a pitiful expression, "And an idiot too apparently.... Hoseok, you are not taking these."

"But father requires that I-.."

"You're not taking them and that's final," Jackson repeated as he stood up to hung their possession lovingly, "And you can stop talking like that, sweetie....~"

"But father gets mad when I-"

"I SAID STOP!" Jackson screamed out, causing a sheering pain to enter through Hoseok's ear. The boy noticed how his short temper made the other shrink into himself out of fear and instantly felt guilt run through his body, "B-Baby, I didn't mean to shout..."

Bambam glanced over at Jungkook, who was busy trying to take off the silly outfit he was wearing, "You doing alright over there?" 

The boy growled out from anger, "God, I fucking hate wearing things like this!". He threw his shirt against the wall in frustration before replacing it with the white t-shirt he was accustomed to, "Coming from a well off family fucking sucks."

"You're telling me," JB chimed in, taking a moment to overlook his beautiful Hoseok lovingly, "Me and this kid grew up in strict households and weren't allowed to associate ourselves with anyone of lower classes."

Hoseok shifted in his seat uncomfortably at the reminder. 

Hell, if that were still the case, the only ones from BTS he would be able to speak to where Jungkook, Jin, and V.

And Jin was cutting it close.

"Sooo..." Jinyoung smirked with a sickening grin, "Darling, tell us why you thought you could get away from us like that? You know you're ours."

"You're right... We still need to punish you..." Yugyeom stated darkly as his eyes showed malicious intent, "You can't disobey us..."

Hoseok's body went ridged as he shot up from his seat, "No! Please, anything but that!"

He didn't know how he even got through the last punishment they gave him weeks ago, but all he knew was that he couldn't bare the thought of going through it again!

He felt his knees wobbling as he back away, but bumped right into another body.

"C'mon, guys, hyungs had a long day," Jungkook chuckled wrapping his arms around the boy's slender frame, "Give him a day or two to unwind... THEN... you can punish him all you want!"

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