Part 4 - Distraction

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((AN:// I'm not so proud of this chapter, but I think this is the best I'll be able to get it!! :( I'm sorry guys.... I don't think it's awful though! I do hope you all still like it!! I've been horribly sick this past week so I havent been able to do too much, but hey, what can ya do?

Anyway! ENJOYYYY!~~~~))


He leg kept bobbing up and down, as he was clearly antsy. It was unusual for him to not be able to focus on the lesson regardless of the situation.

Tapping his pen against his open textbook, he bit his lip trying to clear his head from the incident in the bathroom.

"Fucking V..." he whispered underneath his breath.

If he didn't get a grip now, his grades would slowly fall and he couldn't have that.

His eyes scanned the room and found Suga asleep at his desk and Rap Monster wadding up paper to chuck at the sleeping boy.

He was grateful that the rest were in different classes at the moment because it would only cause more distractions.

A small ripped piece of paper was slowly slid his way from JB, which read 'Hey, are you sure you're okay? You seem out of it and you keep grumbling to yourself'.

J-Hope clicked his pen a couple times before responding, 'Yeah, just been thinking about the mess I've gotten myself into.'

JB's face scrunched up at the response, but only sighed as he nodded.

So deep in thought, J-Hope barely noticed that the bell to signal the end of class had rang and other students began to exit the room.

"Hey, you still eating with us for lunch?" a quiet voice asked from beside him.

The question caused J-Hope to become confused, "Yeah, I always do... Why wouldn't I?"

With just a shake of his head, JB stood up and smiled, "No reason, I was just wondering was all!" He laughed before waving him off, leaving to head to the cafeteria, "I'll see you there!"

"Yeah!" He smiled as he waved back, without noticing the slight glare his two roommates were giving him.

RM reached in his pocket before pulling out his phone to send Taehyung a text.


11:57 AM

'He's going to go eat lunch with them. See to it that it doesn't happen.'


12:01 PM

'Don't need to tell me twice ;) I'll distract him'

Suga was hovering over the taller mans shoulder to get a view of their conversation and felt relief as he saw V's message. They were all on pins and needles, because they knew GoT7 had something up their sleeve.

They needed to put an end to it soon.


J-Hope made his way to his locker to put his backpack away. He twisted the knob back and forth until he heard the familiar click, and swung his locker open. 

Throwing his supplies into the locker without a care, he slammed the door and strode up.

His mind on 'more important things'.

He just needed release, but V had to be a teasing little bitch.

Suddenly, a strong hand wrapped itself around Hoseoks wrist before pulling him into a dark close while covering his mouth to silence him.

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