Part 16 - Memories

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"MinMin-Hyuuung," a twelve-year-old Hoseok whined out in attempt to gain his boyfriends acknowledgement, "I wanna show you what I learned todayyy!!"

Yoongi chucked silently to himself as he watched in amusement to Hoseok's current state.

It was only moments like these, when they were alone, when the younger was allowed to behave like a normal child. 

Not that 'proper' kind of shit that he grew up learning.

"Oh, really now?" Yoongi smirked with his hand resting on his hand, "What did you learn today?"

They were sat on a bench in the park together after all their extracurricular activities were finished.

Yoongi was a part of the basketball team, and Hoseok was in dance.

"About time you asked!" he retorted proudly, as he stood up to stand in front of the elder, "Just watch!"

Without hesitation, Hoseok confidently displayed his dancing skills that he had been taught. He was young, but damn did he own the skill.

He made it his bitch.

The boy watched the dancers body move in a jerking motion, popping and locking as he rehearsed the choreography he had been taught. It looked so damn complicated, but Hoseok made it look like a piece of cake.

It wasn't long, but it was enough to display his ability.

Heavy pant's came from the boy as he looked at Yoongi with his large eyes, filled with innocence. It was evident that he was craving praise from his boyfriend, "W-...Well, MinMin-hyung...? What d-did you think?"

Yoongi's heart beat began to accelerate as he noted how Hoseok was flustered and beat red. 

It was honestly adorable.

They were both so young, but Yoongi know.

Hoseok was special.

"Honestly, SeokSeok," he whispered in awe, "How can you be twelve and already have the ability to dance this well?! You have to teach me how to do that some day!!"

Bashfully, Hoseok looked downward at the ground as he kicked a pebble around, "One condition..."

Yoongi hoisted himself up from his seating position to make his way towards his boyfriend.

Their height was relatively similar, but the two noticed the younger catching up on the elders height rather quickly. 

"And what's this condition, cutie?"

"You have to promise that we're going to get married!" He said almost in a childish voice, making large hand gestures, "Only then will I teach you!"

It caused a loud outburst of laughter to erupt from the elder as he looked at Hoseok lovingly, "I was already planning on it, so it's a deal!"

To seal it as a promise, they leaned closer to each other's face until their lips touched.

It was sweet and quick, but their moment was ruined.

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